Biblical Storytelling and questions for reflection

​Karla Minter is a Church Relations Representative with Mennonite Mission Network.

If you are looking for something beyond a traditional sermon,
consider biblical storytelling with reflective questions. Dozens of
congregations have chosen this in the past few years! For biblical
storytelling, I learn the scripture from the NRSV by heart and then
“tell” it. What often happens in biblical storytelling is that the
scripture moves from “back then” to “here and now.” It is wonderful to
see a familiar text come alive in new ways!

Following the telling
of the biblical story, I can also lead the congregation or group in
reflecting and engaging with the scripture passage using the following
questions (similar to a group lectio):

  • What word, phrase, or
    image captures my attention, interest or imagination? Meditate on this
    word, phrase or image in silence.
  • How does this word, phrase or image speak to my life?
  • How does this text call to me? What invitation does it offer?
  • Offer your experience to God.

I often tell are as follows: The Call of Samuel (I Samuel 3:1-21),
Jesus visiting Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42), The Walk to Emmaus (Luke
24:13-35), The Prologue in John (John 1:1-18), The Woman at the Well
(John 4:4-42 ), Jesus Appearing to the Disciples (John 20:19-23), Jesus
Appearing to the Seven Disciples (John 21:1-19), and others. Please
allow two weeks for me to refresh a passage and four weeks to learn a
new passage.

Biblical Storytelling is also a rich resource for
engaging the text during chapels, workshops and retreats!

Contact me to
explore God’s story, your story and the continuing story of God and
God’s people!