Delicia and Peter serve as Ecuador partnership coordinators for the Ecuador Partnership, including Mission Network, Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Colombia and Central Plains Conference. This includes sharing their gifts in ministry with Ecuadorian partners.
In their role with Iglesia Cristiana Anabautista Menonita de Ecuador (ICAME), Peter and Delicia support the church in music and children’s ministries. Delicia works with several other women sewing diaper covers, cloth diapers and other sustainable products as part of the church refugee ministry. They relate closely with Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Ecuador (ICME-Ecuador Mennonite Christian Church), a primarily indigenous conference formed by leaders who have participated in Anabaptist theological education for many years through Ecuador ministries. Peter and Delicia walk alongside FEINE, the (Federation of Indigenous Evangelical Churches of Ecuador) working in theological education and leadership development. Peter co-hosts a Spanish language podcast, Merienda Menonita.