Joseph and Rachel Givens

Joseph and Rachel Givens

Joseph and Rachel Givens

Joseph and Rachel Givens accompany volunteers with the Maria Skobtsova Housing Association and wider community in Calais, France. The Association offers temporary shelter to migrants from the Middle East and Africa, primarily, who are seeking refuge en route to England.

Learn more about the Givens family and their assignment on their YouTube channel or follow them on Facebook.

Home Congregation

Third Way Church St. Paul, Minnesota

Supporting Congregations

Maplewood Mennonite Church Fort Wayne, IN
Grace Hill Mennonite Church Whitewater, KS
Masontown Mennonite Church Masontown, PA
Cedar Falls Mennonite Church Cedar Falls, IA
Cedar Falls Mennonite Church Cedar Falls, IA
Third Way Church Saint Paul, MN
Neffsville Mennonite Church Lancaster, PA
Eden Mennonite Church (Moundridge) Moundridge, KS
First Mennonite Church (Mountain Lake) Mountain Lake, MN
Hope Mennonite Church (Wichita) Wichita, KS
Grace Mennonite Church (Pandora) Pandora, OH
Mountain View Mennonite Church (Kalispell) Kalispell, MT
Tabor Mennonite Church Newton, KS
First Mennonite Church of Halstead Halstead, KS
First Mennonite Church of New Bremen Lowville, NY

Funding status:
Raising support for continued ministry.