International Ministries Placement

Special Assignment


Service Agency: Mennonite church related organizations

Age Range: Ages 21+

Categories: Church work

Service Length: Flexible term

Tasks: Health care services, Mediation, Teaching

Special Assignment

Needed: Immediately

Function: Special assignments are geared to build relationships between Mennonites in India and North America. Possible assignments include: medical doctors to work or teach in Mennonite-church-related hospitals; nurse educators to teach in a Mennonite-church-related nursing school; English teachers to teach conversational English in a Mennonite-church-related secondary school; or other relational-based professional assignments.

Term: Two weeks to six months

Language: English

Funding: self-funded

Position Specific Qualifications: Suitable professional/academic qualifications; enthusiasm to meet people, build relationships and generally represent the American sister church. Must be a member of a Mennonite Church USA congregation.

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