SOOP Placement



Age Range: Ages 25+

Categories: Church work, Community and non-profit development, Education, Food and nutrition, Health, Immigration and refugee services, Peace and justice

Service Length: Flexible terms

Tasks: Advocacy, Child care and youth services, Client Services, Community organizing, Economic development, Food preparation, Fund raising/grant writing, Health care services, Information technology, Manual labor and skilled trade, Ministerial, Office assistant, Teaching


​Quito is a large metropolis located in the Andes mountains, and has an ideal climate of 70° F year round.  The Quito Mennonite Church operates several programs from their church building in northern Quito and also in a nearby neighborhood.  There is a furnished apartment above the church that is available for most volunteers or host families can also be found. The work can involve supporting children’s ministries, helping out with the daily administrative tasks at the church’s refugee project and other activities that might come up or can be worked out to match the skills of volunteers. Enough Spanish to understand instructions can be helpful.

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