The 32nd issue of Missio Dei, a publication of Mennonite Mission Network, describes 20 years of Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (Movement of Anabaptist Women Doing Theology from Latin America — MTAL).
Spanish and English versions of the booklet, Women, 20 years of paving the way between dreams and hopes, a collaboration between Mission Network and MTAL, and previous editions of Missio Dei, are free to download.
Recognized by the Faith and Life Commission of Mennonite World Conference (MWC), MTAL began after Latin American women listened to African women theologians at a 2003 MWC assembly in Zimbabwe and felt inspired to begin their own movement. They strategically chose not to define membership, but rather to encourage the open involvement of women doing theology in their churches. This has resulted in the participation of thousands of women from almost all the countries of the Americas.
While the booklet describes MTAL’s history, it also bears witness to the theological work of women through four theological reflections. The titles of the reflections were chosen to reflect some of the main themes that MTAL has focused on over the past two decades:
- Discovering and using our gifts by Pastor Rebeca González Torres, coordinator of MTAL Education and Materials Development Commission of and co-coordinator of Comunidad de Instituciones Teológicas Anabautistas de Iberoamérica (CITA)
- Go and tell them! Leadership and Jesus’ liberating message by Cindy Alpízar, collective communicator, pastor and national council treasurer, Costa Rica
- We are beloved daughters of God by Deusilene Martins Milhomem de Carvalho, pastor and MTAL Sister Care coordinator Brazil, Mennonite Church of Gama, Brasilia, Brazil
- Healthy boundaries in power dynamics and sexuality in the church by Alix Lozano, pastor and Colombian theologian, Mennonite Church of Colombia
Excerpt from Rebeca González Torres’ reflection, Discovering and using our gifts
“We have created a strong motivating force to share our gifts, and thus, we rejoice in the common good, and no one can stop or limit what the Spirit of God is doing in each region. In conclusion, I invite you, as you are inspired by the Lord, to continue to cultivate, with those around you, the importance of sharing everyone’s gifts in community, not neglecting the gifts that are in you, and sharing with great care. This women’s movement will continue to be strengthened, as an example to our daughters and granddaughters, and this will lead to a better future.”