Creation care is a calling of the church
A message from Mike Sherrill
Pentecost: the day when the tongues of fire descended upon the believers gathered in the upper room, enabling them to speak in languages they’d never spoken, so all could understand. The Holy Spirit was empowering the church for the mission of Jesus. This year, Pentecost falls on the same date as World Environment Day, June 5.
We can observe both holidays by remembering that one of the first responsibilities laid upon human beings by God was to take care of creation (Genesis 2:15). As a mission agency, we are committed to fostering and supporting work in creation care. Mission Network is proud to have partners around the world that work in sustainable agriculture, recycling and other "green" practices.
As followers of Jesus, the church gathered, we are called to work together to care for God’s sacred, beautiful and inter-connected creation. May the Spirit inspire and empower our words and actions this Pentecost and beyond.
Mike Sherrill
Executive Director