Mission flows in many directions

[Stanley W. Green is currently on a two-month sabbatical in which he is focusing on writing the history of Mennonite Mission Network.]  Many mission workers who have retired in the United States continue to relate to the ministries with which they worked closely during their international careers.  Former workers can be very effective voices in […]

A servant’s heart

"The greatest among you will be your servant."  —Matthew 23:11 Each year more than 200 young adults serve in cities across North America and around the world through our Christian Service programs. In each program we are intentional about discipleship formation that helps the participants grow in their capacity to follow Jesus and to make […]

La libertad de servir

¡Uf! dijo Lizzy. "Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco… y seis". Todos los participantes de Youth Venture (Jóvenes al Servicio) habían llegado seguros y a tiempo a la puerta de embarque. Lidiar con los desafíos de un aeropuerto puede ser una experiencia estresante, pero hacerlo y al mismo tiempo estar pendiente de seis adolecentes es algo […]

The freedom to serve

​"Whew!" Lizzy said. "One, two, three, four, five … and six!" All her Youth Venture participants had arrived safely at their flight’s gate. Navigating an airport can be a stressful experience in itself, but doing it while also trying to keep track of six teenagers is a whole other thing.  However, airport navigation wasn’t the […]

Peacemaking transforms conflict in South Africa

"All nations will stream toward the mountain of God’s house, saying, ‘Come, let’s learn the way God works, so we can live in God’s ways.’ God will make things right between many peoples. They’ll turn their swords into shovels, their spears into hoes. No more will nation fight nation."   —Isaiah 2:3-4, adapted from The […]

Love is a verb

​The Mennonite Church USA Convention that recently met in Orlando, Florida, had as its theme “Love is a verb.” Some New Testament verses that capture well the sentiment expressed in that theme are found in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3:  “If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I […]

God’s children dream for a better Botswana

​In anticipation of the post-Pentecost mission of his followers, Jesus trained and prepared his disciples. He instructs them with these words before he sends them: “When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ If someone who promotes peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to […]

A miracle for Marina

​One day in 2004, another child was brought to Annette and Paco Castillo. This tiny person did not speak at all, despite appearing to be about 3 years old. Her name was Marina Bankole and she was warmly welcomed into the growing family at La Casa Grande, a children’s home in Benin and a Mennonite […]

Un milagro para Marina

​Un día del 2007, a Annette y Paco Castillo les llevaron otra niña. Esta niña no hablaba, a pesar de que parecía tener unos 3 años. Se llamó Marina Bankole y la recibieron en su familia —cada vez más grande— de La Casa Grande, un hogar de niños de Benín y socio de la Red […]

Proving you are a CO

​Preparing to prove to SSS that you’re a peacemaker If you are reading this, you’re old enough to begin keeping a ‘Peacemaker File’ (sometimes called a Draft File.) If you are called before a draft board to prove that you are a CO, this file is your evidence. Into your file place anything about you […]

Shaped by service

​Daniel Morales* was 5 years old when he was abandoned by his parents, and he survived living on the streets. Even at that young age, gangs tried to intimidate him to join.  As a teen, Daniel escaped the pressure, and traveled on top of trains through Mexico to the United States—a journey many deem as […]

Moldeados por el servicio

Daniel Morales* tenía 5 años cuando sus padres lo abandonaron y sobrevivió viviendo en la calle. Aun a esa edad tan temprana, las pandillas intentaron intimidarlo para que se les uniera.  De adolescente, Daniel escapó de aquella presión y viajó por México sobre trenes hasta llegar a Estados Unidos, en un viaje que muchos consideran […]