MVS Minute #01: What does MVS smell like?
What does Mennonite Voluntary Service smell👃like? Let Anna Ludders with the MVS San Francisco unit tell you! To learn more about MVS (smells and all!), go to the Mennonite Voluntary Service web page.
SOOP opportunities at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp
Amanda and Tyler Yoder talk about their service at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp (RMMC) through SOOP, a Mission Network program. While at RMMC, they have grown closer as a family with their two young children, and have found a great environment to live, work, and play in.
A joining of Pentecost and creation care
This year, two holidays share the date of June 5. One is secular, the other spiritual, but both should hold great importance to followers of Christ: Pentecost, the celebration of the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples, and the whole world; and World Environment Day, a day when activists and the United Nations Environment Programme […]
A joining of Pentecost and creation care
Creation care is a calling of the church A message from Mike Sherrill Pentecost: the day when the tongues of fire descended upon the believers gathered in the upper room, enabling them to speak in languages they’d never spoken, so all could understand. The Holy Spirit was empowering the church for the mission of […]
Reflections from the 2008-09 Albany, Oregon, Service Adventure unit
Alli Eanes Chaveste, Corinne Jager and Josh Kanagy reflect on how their Service Adventure experiences nurtured them to grow spiritually, emotionally and explore potential careers. Eanes Chaveste, Jager, and Kanagy served with the Albany, Oregon, Service Adventure unit from 2008-09. For more information on Service Adventure, click here.
Hope and peace shine through in difficult times
It’s been two years. Two years since the first case of the virus that causes COVID-19 was confirmed in the United States. Two years since the country — and much of the world — ground to a screeching halt in the face of a public health crisis that exposed glaring weaknesses in our society. It […]
Hope and peace shine through in difficult times
We are being transformed By Mike Sherrill The only constant in the world is change, which most humans tend to resist. Change can be devastating — or it can be transformative. Sometimes change can sneak up on a society, like the multi-year pandemic that has sadly upended — and ended — lives all around the […]
Finding God
Mission Network worker Bekah York shares her thoughts on the phrase "To serve with love." Bekah serves in Bogotá, Colombia, with the Colombia Mennonite Church (IMCOL). Her focus is creating, developing and maintaining relationships with various church and church-related organizations. Bekah supports the broad work of the Seminario Biblico Menonita de Colombia (Mennonite Biblical Seminary […]
To read this graphic in English, click here. "El amor nos capacita para mirarnos con esperanza entre prójimos." — Marisol Arriaga Aranda, coordinadora para México del Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (MTAL), una organización asociada con la Red Menonita de Misión. Fotografía de Linda Shelly. Diseño gráfico de Cynthia Friesen Coyle.
Bendecir a otras personas
To read this graphic in English, click here. "Por amor comprendemos que nuestra condición humana es vulnerable y es preciso echar manode ese amor recibido para bendecir al otro/a." — Marisol Arriaga Aranda, coordinadora para México del Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (MTAL), una organización asociada con la Red Menonita de […]
Imagen de Dios
To read this graphic in English, click here. "Ver a todo hombre y mujer como imagen y semejanza de Dios es mi compromiso para construir el Reino de Dios." — Olga Piedrasanta, Guatemala. Piedrasanta es coordinadora de la Comisión de Educación y Materiales del Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (MTAL), una organización […]
Pequeños gestos de amor
To read this graphic in English, click here. “Solo se puede conocer a un Dios cercano y amoroso mediante nuestros pequeños gestos de amor." — Ondina Murillo, Honduras. Murillo es co-coordinadora para Centroamérica del Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (MTAL), una organización asociada con la Red Menonita de Misión. Fotografía de […]