Being resilient in the face of pandemic

The world has witnessed some especially difficult times in the past year. All of humanity’s institutions have been touched, if not shaken to their very core, by the events of 2020. The pandemic has shown us vulnerability, certainly. It has also shown us what it means to be resilient.  Resiliency is a good word for […]

Having faith that God will make things new

​The seasons are changing. We are now in a new year and in a time when the daylight lasts longer and trees are beginning to bud with new life. There is a clearer way through the tragic COVID-19 pandemic. As we do during the Lenten season, we acknowledge that we are stewards of our faith […]

For his name’s sake — Missional Meditations

​Looking at the scriptures with an eye toward mission. Joe Sawatzky shares a Missional Meditation titled "Staying to behold." It is based on the Revised Common Lectionary for April 25, the fourth Sunday of Easter. Our good deeds point beyond ourselves to their source—the strong and compassionate name of Jesus.  John 10:11-18  Psalm 23  Acts 4:5-12  1 John 3:16-24  […]

Standing ready for the work of God

​As we continue through Lent, Mike Sherrill reminds us that it is Mission Network’s calling to passionately participate in God’s mission of love across the street and around the world. We stand ready to provide eye-witness testimonies of what God has done. Some days we feel more ready than other days — and Lent provides […]

Episode 01: Where Do We Start?

Map of Japan

​Guests Lynda Hollinger-Janzen and Joe Sawatzky set the ground rules of why people might be wary or excited about the word, "mission." ​‘MissionWary?’ is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Letting go, pressing forward

When Debbie and Rick Lee were invited to uproot their lives in Homestead, Florida, to lead Mennonite Mission Network’s Service Adventure unit in Jackson, Mississippi, Debbie Lee said that  she initially resisted the idea.  Debbie Lee, who is artistically gifted, felt deeply bonded to what she described as her "mid-life dream home" in Homestead. After […]

Soltar y avanzar

Debbie Lee dijo que al comienzo, cuando les invitaron a ella y a Rick Lee a dirigir la unidad de Servicio Aventurero de la Red Menonita de Misión en Jackson, Misisipi, y dejar atrás su vida y raíces en Homestead, Florida, se resistió a la idea.  Debbie, quien tiene dones artísticos, se sentía muy apegada a […]

Peek into Service Adventure with Kelby

Service Adventure Anchorage

​Kelby Youngberg is a Service Adventure participant in Anchorage, Alaska. He works closely with a community of people who do not have homes. In this video, he expresses his desire to continue to learn from his experiences while still being a peacemaker through his work and service in Anchorage.

Two-way Mission update

​Jerrell Ross Richer gives an update of the two-way mission they are a part of in Ecuador.  Jane, Jerrell and their children work half the year with indigenous church leaders as well as children, youth and families in the Ecuadorian rain forest, and half the year as educators in the U.S. Their ministry reflects one of […]

Peek into Service Adventure with Luisa

​Tune in as Luisa, a Service Adventure participant in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, talks about her Service Adventure experience. From the six supporting congregations in Johnstown to the people she’s met at her work placements, she has found a supportive community that has helped her grow in faith and learn more about herself.   Curious about Service […]

Mission worker served on three continents

Bonita Driver practiced God’s welcoming love in Argentina, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay and the United States, through Mennonite Board of Missions, a predecessor agency of Mennonite Mission Network. GOSHEN, Indiana (Mennonite Mission Network) — Bonita (Bonny) Catherine Landis Driver embodied God’s welcoming love on three continents. She and her husband, John, served through Mennonite Board […]

Hope brings comfort: Being the gospel through crisis

As the coronavirus continues to infect our world, it’s important not to forget that before COVID-19, crises were already raging around the world. These ongoing crises are destroying the well-being of people and thrusting them into harm’s way. Not only are these crises still happening, but they have been exacerbated by the pandemic.   People […]