Why counter-recruit? Military recruiters have footholds in schools and advertizing

Military presence in schools The U.S. Army alone manages 1,650 recruiting stations staffed by 7,600 recruiters across the country. These and other branch’s offices are bases of operation—if one does not count public school districts. Without a draft, the United States is dependent upon a steady flow of new enlistees, and what better hotbed exists […]

The high cost of war drones

And the war drones on … After King Herod sent Roman soldiers to Bethlehem to kill all the young boys under the age of 2, we learn that their mothers, like Rachel of old, wept in sorrow and could not be comforted (Matthew 2:16-18). Warfare, whether fought with swords or with drones and smart bombs, […]

Finding refuge

​Mission done best by invitation By Sara Alvarez During these first months on the job, I’ve appreciated Mennonite Mission Network’s emphasis on partnership. We don’t presume to understand another’s culture, and we don’t assume we’ll do better than local organizations.  Instead, we wait for churches or organizations to ask us to join them. They come […]

Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world

Wars and rumors of wars, drone attacks, mass shootings—the headlines of the day confirm that violence continues to be our culture’s favored reaction to conflict. But the tragic headlines don’t tell the whole story. Violence is written into our entertainment, our recreation, our politics. Violence isn’t an act or action—it’s a worldview that gains adherents […]

Agreeing and disagreeing in love

Peace Sunday comes this year in the midst of a national election season. Deciding how to participate, or to participate at all, in the political process can be a spiritual exercise when pursued through prayer and in discerning communities of faith. The result of that exercise will lead followers of Jesus to different conclusions. These […]

Naming the pain of killing

Note: This sermon, given by Carolyn Holderread Heggen at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary is probably the best introduction to the issues many veterans face and how the church can help that I’ve come across. If you or someone in your church is curious about working with veterans, this is a great place to start. —Jason Boone. Years […]

Are you on the welcoming committee?

​Radical inclusion? But Mama said, ‘Don’t talk to strangers.’  By Andrew Clouse One of the pieces of advice I took to heart as a youngster was, “Don’t talk to strangers.” In my adolescent mind, this refrain was lumped together in a soup of fear that put strangers into the same category as all of the […]

I choose peace fund

April 17, 2018, is the deadline for filing income taxes. As that day approaches, we face anew the reality that almost one-quarter of the taxes we pay contribute to a war machine that brings death and destruction across the globe. The "I Choose Peace" Fund is a way to offset the taxes we pay that […]

Immigration and the Bible

For most people, including many members of the Christian community, foundational understandings of immigration come from the news, their neighbors’ opinions, from national security needs, or the country’s legal framework. M. Daniel Carroll R. firmly believes that God’s people can and must do better than this. “Christians should respond self-consciously as Christians to immigration,” he […]

Can I trust you?

Understanding the living Christ  By Ryan Miller Xola Skosana (p. 6) challenges me. How do I read Christ and stories of Christ’s life? Do I, a member of a dominant culture, assume that I can understand Jesus through that cultural lens?  Lent is an appropriate time for this question. As Jesus spent 40 days away […]

What is an Anabaptist Christian?

Palmer Becker, a lifelong Mennonite pastor and educator, summarizes Anabaptist understandings in three key statements: (1) Jesus is the center of our faith; (2) community is the center of our lives; and (3) reconciliation is the center of our work.