Session 3: Prophetic Faith
Reading Amos 1:1-9:15; Matthew 5:20, 38; Romans 3:21-26 Teaching Why do we have difficulty telling people the truth boldly like Amos? What does God say is the solution for a people facing crisis? How does God issue justice and love simultaneously? Amos exemplified how Old Testament prophets challenged how the people of their day lived. […]
Session 7: Hope for the Lamb’s triumph
Reading Revelation 5:1-14, 13:1-18, 21:1-22:6 Teaching How does John’s social criticism challenge congregations today? Is experiencing a major crisis critical to truly knowing God? How can a person remain in sin, yet continue to walk with God? The book of Revelation, when read carefully, directs us toward a nonviolent path. To begin with, the book […]
Session 8: Pacifism is a faith conviction
Teaching Is pacifism an “absolute” for Christians?Is defending yourself against an aggressor justified? How can pacifism prevail in the face of a violent aggressor? A challenge often presented to Christian pacifists is the assertion that simply having strong feelings about our position is not a persuasive reason for others to accept them. While we may […]
Three ways for your church to learn about Israel-Palestine
1. Watch our webinar, "Jesus Weeps: An introduction to the Israel-Palestine Conflict." The webinar covers the history of the conflict, what it’s like to live in the midst of it, and why Mennonites should care. covers the history of the conflict, what it’s like to live in the midst of it, and why Mennonites should care. […]
Bible verses that call for peace
Whether seeking comfort in challenging times, looking to deepen your faith or to meditate on the concept of peace from a spiritual perspective, this page gathers some of the most poignant and inspiring passages from the Bible. Explore peace not just as the absence of conflict, but as a divine gift, a state of heart, […]
Prayer of Awareness
This reflective prayer practice (also known as the consciousness examen) helps us discover how God has been present to us throughout the day. It invites us to notice how we have responded to God’s love and call. Practiced regularly, such reflection brings healing and integration which are essential for deepening faith. Because of its capacity to cultivate […]
Three things to consider about the Israel-Palestine conflict
The Peace and Justice Support Network is addressing the Israel-Palestine conflict in several ways: helping organize trips to the region through the "Come and See" fund; working with MennoPIN, a grassroots network of Mennonites dedicated to peace for Israel-Palestine; and also working with other partners like Christian Peacemaker Teams and Mennonite Central Committee. The goal […]
PRAY for the PEACE of Jerusalem
In many ways, Jerusalem is a microcosm of our world. It is ancient, beautiful, and teeming with life. And it continues to be torn apart by violence and enmity, fueled by injustice, mistrust, and often—tragically—the misuse of sacred Scripture. Jerusalem is a holy city to not just one, but three, of the world’s religions: Judaism, […]
Counter-recruitment materials and other agencies
Documents for counselors including information on the new G.I. Bill Opt-out forms (English/Spanish) No Student Left Unrecruited palm card (English/Spanish) Alternatives for students, general and by state An overview of tips to reduce the military’s appeal to youth in a church setting Peacemaker registration forms, based on Selective Service regulations Other organizations Mennonite Central […]
Getting out of the Military Delayed Enlistment Program
If you or someone you know has already enlisted in the military Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP) for high school students, make sure they know the following: Jesus calls us to love our enemies and overcome evil with good. DEP contracts are NOT legally binding on the student who signed them; these contracts can be terminated […]
Counter recruitment strategies
Before you begin Look around and see if other groups are already involved in your area. The National Network Opposing Militarization of Youth maintains a database of active counter-recruitment groups across the country. Opting out The first step in addressing the Department of Defense’s presence in schools is to investigate the sharing of student […]
What is a conscientious objector?
According to the Selective Service System, a conscientious objector is one who is opposed to serving in the armed forces and/or bearing arms on the grounds of moral or religious principles. Conscientious objection means you simply will not and can not kill because of what you believe. To be certain that people don’t claim to be […]