Journeys of hope “all through the night”

A child in a light house

SOOPers Barbara West and Kathy Howell spent six weeks volunteering at Maria Skobtsova House, a sanctuary for refugees, that maintains a prayerful presence in Calais, France. Upon their return, they shared reflections with their home congregation, Corvallis Mennonite Fellowship in Corvallis, Oregon.  Identifying information about Skobtsova House guests has been changed, including their names. We went into this […]

Herramientas para la construcción de la paz

En este tercer recurso para líderes seguidores de Jesús, la Red Menonita de Misión junto con la FEINE enfoca en herramientas para la construcción de la paz.  Los cuatro autores presentan bases teológicas y bíblicas para la paz y también dan herramientas prácticas para la resolución de conflictos. Jessica Buller es líder y facilitadora en […]

Amor de hecho y en verdad

Amor de hecho y en verdad

 16 En esto hemos conocido el amor, en que él puso su vida por nosotros; también nosotros debemos poner nuestras vidas por los hermanos. 17 Pero el que tiene bienes de este mundo y ve a su hermano tener necesidad, y cierra contra él su corazón, ¿cómo mora el amor de Dios en él? 18 Hijitos míos, no amemos de […]

Stir Up Peace

How nonviolent direct action creates change Watch the nine short episodes with a church group or binge at home. Full video series

Mission and Peace in Ethiopia

The articles in this issue are organized in two large sections. The first focuses on mission and peace efforts in the broader context of the Ethiopian nation, and the second focuses more specifically on Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) history and perspectives. The editors hope that this collection of essays and book reviews will contribute to […]

2023 year in review

​Thank you for your prayers and support during this past year, and for the years to come.

Peace pins

Peace pin

What are we waiting for? The church needs to take Jesus and his teachings of peace seriously. Mennonite Mission Network invites you to wear the peace pin to be reminded of God’s call to peace and justice, and to spark conversation with others about peacemaking and the Prince of Peace. Please donate: $25 donation: receive 1 peace pin […]

United in Christ

Worship service at Iglesia Evangélica Kansiañachu Tsa’khȗ

​Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you to explain about the hope you have. But answer them in a gentle way with respect. Keep your conscience clear. Then people will see the good way you live as followers of Christ. – 1 Peter 3:15-16  We have hope because of the lived reality we […]

Casa del Abuelo: Navigating crisis and compassion in La Guajira

“There are many problems here in La Guajira,” said Maria del Rosario Peña de Melo, a social leader and pastor of a Mennonite church in Riohacha, as she looked around the entranceway of the Casa del Abuelo (House of the Grandparent). She sat at a table with four chairs around it and paused before continuing, […]

We are called to work together

At the end of October, 10 Mennonite Mission Network board members, seven Mission Network staff members, a Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) representative and several spouses, participated in a tour of Colombia, to learn about Mission Network’s key partner in Colombia, the Mennonite church known as Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Colombia, also referred to as […]

Action expresses priorities’

"Action expresses priorities" — Mahatma Ghandi ​Mennonite Mission Network aspires to be a peacemaking agency and actively works for peace in the world. According to Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, the definition of a peacemaker is "one who makes peace by reconciling parties that are at variance." However, if we reflect on this word in biblical terms, […]

Pathways to hope and healing

​Paving a path to peace      By Jane Morrow Currently, our world observes an "International Day of Peace" that encourages 24 hours of non-violence and a cease-fire on September 21 — one day every year.  That’s just twenty-four hours.Jesus calls us to live out peace throughout our entire lives, not just one day here […]