Lesson 2: Our militarized lives
Objective To understand that all of us, soldiers and civilians alike, are caught in a web of militarism that has permeated our culture and the structures in which we live, and to explore together what faithfulness to Christ means in our context. Download Returning Veterans curriculum pdf. Preparation 1. Take the quiz on militarism posted as […]
How can we be silent?
Peace Sunday is observed on the Sunday closest to the United Nations’ International Day of Peace on September 21. The Peace and Justice Support Network creates worship materials that congregations may use on this or any Sunday throughout the year. Peace Sunday is an annual opportunity to acknowledge and respond to the violence that continues […]
Introduction to Returning veterans curriculum
These lessons are designed to help congregations think both theologically and practically about healing from the trauma of war, and learning the meaning of Jesus’ way of peace. The lessons assume that peace churches and military veterans could benefit greatly by walking this path together. For some churches, this kind of shared dialogue across what […]
Lesson 5: Hospitality is a two-way street
Objective To explore the meaning of hospitality as an approach to engaging with military veterans and their families. Download Returning Veterans curriculum pdf. On hospitality by Logan Mehl-Laituri, Iraq War veteran I think listening is hospitality, and it is at the heart of the Gospels (hospitality, that is). Hospitality has nothing to do with dogma or […]
Lesson 3: The experience of trauma
Objective To better understand the experience of trauma and its impact on the lives of soldiers, veterans, and all who are violated by war. Download Returning Veterans curriculum pdf. Scripture 1 Samuel 15:3, 33 (NRSV) Samuel’s instructions to Saul "Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill […]
Lesson 4: Breaking free from trauma and moral injury
Objective To learn more about how soldiers, who have been traumatized by the brutality of war and the painful losses it brings, find their way toward healing. Download Returning Veterans curriculum pdf. Story This story is excerpted from "Healing: Can we treat moral wounds?"1, which describes the San Diego Naval Medical Center’s eight-week moral injury/moral repair program […]
Lesson 1: Crossing boundaries
Objective To explore the barrier-crossing impulse of the gospel, and reflect on its implications for followers of Jesus in a nation at war. Many members of the traditional peace churches have had little to no contact with military personnel or military veterans. For some congregations, the place to begin is to name and reflect […]
Session 6: The transformation of a violent man
Reading Acts 7:54-8:1, 9:1-19; Romans 5:1-11, 13:8-10; Galatians 1:11-24 Teaching What does it mean to serve God? How did Stephen please God in death? Can a mass murderer inherit the kingdom of Heaven? The first Christians followed Jesus’ ways of openness and abundant mercy. As Jesus had, they faced conflict with the religious leaders. This […]
Session 1: The peace vision of the Old Testament
Reading Genesis 12:1-3; Exodus 1:1-15:21, 20:1-21; Jeremiah 8:18-9:2; Jonah 1:1-4:11; Psalm 46:1-11 Teaching What is the main point of the Old Testament story? What can Old Testament stories teach us about dealing with current events? What evidence shows that God continues to engage people today as God is shown doing in the past? The Old […]
Session 5: Enemy love
Reading Matthew 5:38-48; Luke 10:25-37; Romans 12:14-21 Teaching What does “love your enemy” mean? How can we truly love someone that we do not know? Is it more realistic and acceptable to display empathy to your neighbor whom you do not know? Jesus taught that loving one’s enemy means actively seeking to do good to […]
Session 4: Jesus and the peaceable kingdom
Reading Mark 8:27-38; Philippians 2:1-11; 1 Corinthians 2:1-10 Teaching Who do we say that Jesus is? What do we believe about Jesus Christ? If Jesus visited your Facebook page, would he say that you represent your faith online? (1) We believe Jesus is God’s Son, who brings salvation through his love. In Jesus’ time, many […]
Session 2: Ancient Israel’s power politics
Reading 1 Samuel 8:1-22; 2 Samuel 11:1-27; 1 Kings 21:1-29; Jeremiah 7:1-34; Isaiah 40:1-44:28 Teaching What can we learn from Israel’s political experiences? How can God continue to bless people who clearly break his commandments? What current political situation is particularly reminiscent of politics the past? The story of the liberation of the ancient Israelites […]