Episode 14: Immigration justice with Tammy Alexander and Saulo Padilla

​Tammy Alexander, senior legislative associate for the Mennonite Central Committee Washington D.C. office, and Saulo Padilla, immigration education coordinator for Mennonite Central Committee U.S., join Hannah and Jason to talk about immigration legislation, the current situation in the United States and ways churches and individuals are getting involved in education and advocacy.

For such a time as this

​Perhaps you were born for such a time as this.  —Esther 4:14  This passage from Esther comes to my mind lately as the Peace and Justice Support Network goes about its work of strengthening and supporting peace and justice across Mennonite Church USA.  As upheavals in political, economic and social realms continue to reverberate, I […]

Episode 13: women of color discuss leadership and developing a peace church

Jenny Perez Castro, coordinator of the Women in Leadership Project for Mennonite Church USA, hosts this edition of the PeaceLab. She talks with Calenthia Dowdy, Regina Shands Stoltzfus and Sue Park Hur about the recent definition of a peace church developed by leaders of color in Mennonite Church USA and about what its like to […]

When one part suffers

​Why is racial justice vital to mission? Because God desires to restore community.  “Diversity is a biblical imperative, not a political issue, or a human resource issue,” Leroy Barber said, as he described John’s vision in Revelation 7. “John looks out and sees every tribe, tongue and nation. For him to see that, there needed […]

Cuando un miembro sufre

“Por qué la justicia racial es un aspecto vital de la misión? Por el simple hecho de que Dios desea restaurar la comunidad. “La diversidad es un imperativo bíblico, no una cuestión política, o un problema para el departamento de recursos humanos,” dice Leroy Barber, al describir la visión de Juan en Apocalipsis 7. “Juan […]

Episode 12: Ted Grimsrud on The Benedict Option

​Senior Professor of Peace Theology at Eastern Mennonite University Ted Grimsrud joins us to discuss "The Benedict Option", a new book by Rod Dreher that examines how Christianity should respond to the changing culture.

God’s children dream for a better Botswana

​In anticipation of the post-Pentecost mission of his followers, Jesus trained and prepared his disciples. He instructs them with these words before he sends them: “When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ If someone who promotes peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to […]

Episode 11: News Roundup

Hannah and Jason are joined by Michelle Armster and Iris de Leon-Hartshorn to talk about news around the world and throughout the United States. They discuss Anabaptist responses and Christian perspectives on peace and justice work.

Proving you are a CO

​Preparing to prove to SSS that you’re a peacemaker If you are reading this, you’re old enough to begin keeping a ‘Peacemaker File’ (sometimes called a Draft File.) If you are called before a draft board to prove that you are a CO, this file is your evidence. Into your file place anything about you […]

Shaped by service

​Daniel Morales* was 5 years old when he was abandoned by his parents, and he survived living on the streets. Even at that young age, gangs tried to intimidate him to join.  As a teen, Daniel escaped the pressure, and traveled on top of trains through Mexico to the United States—a journey many deem as […]