Week 4: Delegate—Bringing others into the situation

Bystander training

"They need not go away; you give them something to eat."  —Matthew 14:13-21  In the Bible, we discover that Jesus has the power to do miracles. Christ will feed 4,000 later in Matthew’s Gospel. He intervenes to make sure that people do not go hungry, but here, Jesus asks his disciples to take part in […]

Week 5: Delay—Responding after an attack

Bystander training

"But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity."  —Luke 10:25-37  In Luke, we read the story of a Samaritan who encounters the aftermath of an attack on a traveler. The damage of fists and weapons and words has already been done. Sometimes, we encounter harassment […]

Week 6: Document—Photographing/filming the abuse and reporting it properly

"Then Joshua said to the people, ‘You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen the Lord, to serve him.’ And they said, ‘We are witnesses.’" —Joshua 24:16-28  In Joshua 24, the leader of Israel recounts the community’s history. He reminds them of their time in Egypt and how God brought them to the Promised […]

Week 7: Putting into practice what we have learned

Bystander training

"So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. But someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith."  —James 2:17-18  "The people I know love me are the ones who have my back […]

Episode 21: Luke Miller on Pink Menno and Orlando 2017

​Luke Miller, one of the leaders of the Pink Menno movement and a member of the Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests, talks with Hannah Heinzekehr about the Future Church Summit and the Mennonite Church USA Convention in Orlando this summer.

Episode 20: The Life Lines Collective

​Hannah and Jason talk with Lars Åkerson and Chris Agoranos of The Life Lines Collective, a podcast featuring poetry and spoken word pieces written, read and created by writers living on death row.

PeaceLab special edition: Mennonite Disaster Service in Texas

Kevin King, executive director of Mennonite Disaster Service, talks with Jason and Hannah from Texas. King was part of an assessment team in Texas last week beginning to assess damage from Tropical Storm Harvey and working to plan for recovery efforts.

Make me an instrument of your peace

​Munny’s* head hurt. The yelling. The screaming. In his small home, he couldn’t get away from it. Munny loved his parents, but hated when they argued. He wanted them to find better ways of resolving conflict.  As in many cultures, “domestic violence is a real issue [in these communities],” said Samuel*, whose work in Southeast […]

Hazme un instrumento de tu paz

Munny* tiene dolor de cabeza. Los gritos. Los chillidos. En su pequeña casita, él no podía dejar de oírlos. Munny amaba a sus padres, pero odiaba escucharlos discutir. Quería que encontraran mejores maneras de entenderse.  Así como en muchas culturas, “la violencia doméstica es algo muy común [en estas comunidades],” dijo Samuel* cuyo trabajo en […]

Episode 17: Peace and Evangelism with Meghan Good

Can a peace church attract new people without watering down what makes it distinct? What can churches do to be more friendly to people looking for a new church? What’s your elevator speech? We answer these questions and more with Meghan Good, Teaching Pastor at Trinity Mennonite Church in Phoenix, Arizona.

Episode 16: Ted & Co. with Ohio Conference Cast

​Hannah Heinzekehr from PeaceLab joins forces with Bill Seymour of the Ohio Conference Cast to interview Alison Brookins and Ted Swartz about their new play, "Discovery: A Comic Lament."