How do we keep our churches safe?
How do we keep our church safe in a world that feels more dangerous than ever? This question has been posed frequently to both Dove’s Nest and the Peace and Justice Support Network(PJSN), especially after 26 people were killed last year at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. It is asked of Dove’s Nest […]
Disruptive response policy from First Mennonite in Lincoln
First Mennonite Church (FMC) ♦ Lincoln, Nebraska Policy Regarding Disruptive Behavior 3-25-2016 As Mennonites, we value being inclusive and forgiving. While openness to a wide variety of individuals is one of the prime values held by our congregation, we affirm the belief that our congregation must maintain a safe atmosphere where such openness can exist. […]
Jesus Wasn’t White
The sin of racism continues to cause dissention and violence in our country. Despite the progress that has been made, we continue to find racism at the center of injustice and inequality in all parts of society, even the church. For people of faith, what if the roots of racism go deeper than we’ve ever […]
A question of safety
In this issue of DoveTales I’m glad to introduce a new effort designed to help you and your congregation as you wrestle with the question of safety. The epidemic of mass shootings in our country has the topic of safety on all of our minds. How do we best keep schools, children and neighborhoods safe? […]
Congolese Mennonites initiate reconciliation with mission workers
More than 60 years ago, two Congolese nurses risked death to negotiate for the lives of three missionary families. The Jeunesse rebels attacked as night began to fall, captured the families, and were taking them to stand trial in the jungle before the rebel tribunal. The Jeunesse rebels were part of a movement of disillusioned […]
Menonitas congoleses inician el proceso de reconciliación con obreros de la misión
Hace más de 60 años, dos enfermeras congolesas arriesgaron su vida al negociar por las vidas de tres familias misioneras. Los rebeldes Jeunesse atacaron al caer la noche, capturaron a las familias y las llevaron a ser juzgadas en la selva ante el tribunal rebelde. Los rebeldes Jeunesse pertenecían a un movimiento de jóvenes congoleses […]
War tax resistance started with the words of Christ and continues today
From the April 2012 issue of PeaceSigns "Until the late 1960s, taxes were raised mainly to fight wars." Understanding Taxes, 1983, U.S. Dept. of Treasury, IRS Publication 21. At a minimum, Jesus raised a question about paying taxes when he said, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s." In […]
Taxes and the military: Where does our money go?
Where does our federal tax money go? As Congress passes a budget resolution with a military spending increase that is twice the domestic spending increase, we face anew the reality that the taxes we pay contribute to a war machine that war machine that brings death and destruction across the globe. Mennonites and other peacemakers have responded to […]
Peacemaker book club: Trouble I’ve seen
PJSN is excited to announce the kickoff of our Peacemaker Book Club! Taking advantage of easy-to-use videoconferencing tools, PJSN is launching a virtual book club. Our first book will be Drew Hart’s Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism. Join other peacemakers from across the church in discussing this important book. Don’t […]
Now is the time
I think it’s safe to say 2018 will be another year full of challenges and opportunities for peacemakers. The turmoil in our nation is only increased by a dysfunctional political system. The animosity, entrenched racism, increased poverty, and despair will not stop anytime soon. That’s not to mention our massive, destructive military engagements around the […]
Trouble I’ve Seen
What if racial reconciliation doesn’t look like what you expected? The high-profile killings of young black men and women by white police officers, and the protests and violence that ensued, have convinced many white Christians to reexamine their intuitions when it comes to race and justice. In this provocative book, theologian and blogger Drew G. […]
Episode 28: Leonard Dow part 2
Part 2 of our conversation with The Rev. Leonard Dow, a current stewardship development specialist with Everence and longtime pastor at Oxford Circle Mennonite Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Leonard talks with Jason and Hannah about community development, pastoring, race and Mennonite identity.