A conversation with Juliet Kilpin
Sharon Norton, co-director for Africa and Europe ministries for Mennonite Mission Network, interviews Juliet Kilpin about the effects of COVID-19 on refugees in the United Kingdom. Juliet is a co-founder of Peaceful Borders, an organization that supports refugees coming to the United Kingdom.
Hurt but not broken
Hurt but not broken takes you through a journey of learning to let go and let God be in control of your situation. Not many of us are prepared to forgive when hurt in that moment we forget that we have hurt other people before and we will continue to do so and seek forgiveness. About […]
Migration, empathy and welcome
In his Pulitzer Prize-winning epic, Grapes of Wrath (1939), John Steinbeck recounts the harshness of the Great Depression and gives us a glimpse into the struggles of migrant farmworkers. In it, he tells the heart-rending stories of people who loaded up their vehicles with all they could fit and moved from a devastated and ravaged […]
Walking in peace through perplexing times
The real deal By Laurie Oswald Robinson In 2008, I left six and a half years of communication work with Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Women USA for a life of freelancing. This past May, I returned to the offices on Main Street in Newton, Kansas, to serve as editor for Mennonite Mission Network. […]
Mennonite peace witness
Objection to militarism has long been a central part of the Mennonite peace witness. From the persecution endured by Mennonites for refusing to participate in World War I, to development of conscientious objector (CO) status service during World War II, to actively speaking out against war in the Middle East, our history of opposing militarism […]
Peace volunteers bring hope to volatile campus
The Angel gave Mary God’s promise: "The Lord is with you. Have no fear." We know that the son she awaited was to be the Good News on Earth, the Christ. Through the arrival of this small child, God’s promise extends to all people around the world. During this Christmas season, let’s celebrate all that […]
Mission and Migration
To talk about migration is to talk about identity, both individual identity and the collective identities of communities of faith. Forced migration characterized and shaped the early Anabaptist movement—a movement created, in part, to ensure religious freedom and the ability to practice faith as separate communities. This pattern of movement, originally meant to support a […]
Jesus models mission
In a post-Resurrection appearance, John reports that Jesus offered God’s peace to the group of terrified and fearful disciples locked behind closed doors (John 20:21). Jesus adds to his benediction an important elaboration: "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." Jesus makes it clear that God’s mission of restoration and reclaiming the […]
Practical and profound
The growth of a vibrant movement of voluntary service is an inspiring story of simple, youthful, practical Christian idealism applied to human suffering and struggle. Many Mennonite voluntary or alternative service programs birthed sincere discipleship convictions and unleashed the latent talent and skills of thousands of young men and women engaged in peaceful service. […]
Walking in peace through perplexing times
Though they grew up in different eras, many young people in the past seven and a half decades have shared a similar dream: In a world of militarism, materialism and me-ism, they desired to seek a road less traveled. Instead of marching to the beat of the times, they wanted to follow Jesus into a […]
Timeline of service
Henry Hochstetler cultivating at CPS Camp 138 in Malcolm, Nebraska, in 1946. 1940–1960 World War II was underway when the 1940s began. Historic peace churches responded to this violence by creating peace-oriented conduits for service. For example, in the United States, Civilian Public Service (CPS) provided an alternative to military service during World War II. […]
Spread the peace grants support congregational peace projects
To encourage congregations and conferences to "spread the peace" in and beyond Mennonite Church USA, the Peace and Justice Support Network of Mennonite Mission Network has small start-up and sustaining grants available. Criteria: Funds will be given to those meeting the following criteria and as funding allows: To Mennonite congregations or conferences for projects based […]