A joining of Pentecost and creation care

​This year, two holidays share the date of June 5. One is secular, the other spiritual, but both should hold great importance to followers of Christ: Pentecost, the celebration of the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples, and the whole world; and World Environment Day, a day when activists and the United Nations Environment Programme […]

A joining of Pentecost and creation care

Creation care is a calling of the church    A message from Mike Sherrill Pentecost: the day when the tongues of fire descended upon the believers gathered in the upper room, enabling them to speak in languages they’d never spoken, so all could understand. The Holy Spirit was empowering the church for the mission of […]

Nuevas formas de ser iglesia

Audio in English.​ Mire la Conferencia Sent 2022  La Conferencia Sent 2022 trató sobre cómo líderes y plantadores de iglesias han respondido de forma creativa y movilizadora a los desafíos que se nos han presentado estos tiempos.  Los oradores distinguidos incluyeron a Leonard Dow, quien habló sobre sus días anteriores como pastor y cómo aprendió […]

New expressions of church

Audio en español. ​ Watch the 2022 Sent Conference  The 2022 Sent Conference celebrated how today’s context has pushed church leaders and planters to create unique and exciting ways of doing church together.  Distinguished speakers included Leonard Dow, who spoke about his former days as a pastor and how he learned that there’s a season for […]

The power of love

​Mission workers Akiko Aratani and Raymond Epp shares their thoughts on the phrase "To serve with love."  Akiko and Ray serve as directors of Menno Village, an organic farm near Sapporo, Japan, where they also hold seminars and training in sustainable agriculture and creation care. They participate in the Japan Mennonite Christian Church Conference (Hokkaido).

With Jesus

With Jesus

​3 Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." They said to him, "We will go with you." They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. 4 Just after daybreak, Jesus stood on the beach; but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. 5 Jesus said to them, "Children, you […]

Mission and Formation

​How are Anabaptists formed for witness? This issue of Anabaptist Witness calls attention to the dynamic process of communal and personal formation that impacts witness. Essays and poetry explore this theme in relation to disability, God images, sexuality, the Narrative Lectionary, and communities and mission work in Canada, Ethiopia, Mexico, and the United States. The […]

Hope and peace shine through in difficult times

​It’s been two years. Two years since the first case of the virus that causes COVID-19 was confirmed in the United States. Two years since the country — and much of the world — ground to a screeching halt in the face of a public health crisis that exposed glaring weaknesses in our society.  It […]

Hope and peace shine through in difficult times

​We are being transformed By Mike Sherrill The only constant in the world is change, which most humans tend to resist. Change can be devastating — or it can be transformative. Sometimes change can sneak up on a society, like the multi-year pandemic that has sadly upended — and ended — lives all around the […]

Finding God

​Mission Network worker Bekah York shares her thoughts on the phrase "To serve with love."  Bekah serves in Bogotá, Colombia, with the Colombia Mennonite Church (IMCOL). Her focus is creating, developing and maintaining relationships with various church and church-related organizations.  Bekah supports the broad work of the Seminario Biblico Menonita de Colombia (Mennonite Biblical Seminary […]



To read this graphic in English, click here. ​"El amor nos capacita para mirarnos con esperanza entre prójimos." — Marisol Arriaga Aranda, coordinadora para México del Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (MTAL), una organización asociada con la Red Menonita de Misión. Fotografía de Linda Shelly. Diseño gráfico de Cynthia Friesen Coyle.