God called me to plant a church. Now what?
If you feel that God is calling you to start a peace church, the Sent Network has the tools you need to begin your journey. The launch date is coming soon and there is still room for potential peace church planters. The resources in the Sent Network are designed to help church planters carry out […]
Post-colonial mission
The modern missionary movement’s greatest advance came during the period when colonial powers were engaged in a massive land-grab in the global south. To be sure, many missionaries were actively engaged in resisting some of the heinous, even brutal, excesses of colonial expansion and rapacious greed that dispossessed people of their lands, livelihood, and cultural […]
El Pacto del Día de la Supervivencia firmado en Australia
La mayoría de los australianos festejan el 26 de enero con desfiles, fuegos artificiales y carne a la parrilla. Pero los pueblos originarios de Australia y de las Islas del estrecho de Torres no lo llaman el Día de Australia, sino el Día de la Supervivencia. Todos reconocen la fecha como el aniversario de la […]
Survival Day covenant signed in Australia
Most Australians celebrate each Jan. 26 with parades, fireworks and barbecues. But Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples call Australia Day by another name: Survival Day. All recognize the date as the anniversary of British proclamation of sovereignty over the land now known as Australia. It was on this day in 2019 that Anabaptists from […]
Not just disciples, but disciple makers
“Biblical discipleship,” says Marvin Lorenzana, “is only complete when a faithful disciple of Jesus learns—in an intentional and relational way—how to make another faithful disciple of Jesus” (p. 3). Not many church members really believe or practice this, of course, despite the fact that Jesus actually called the very first disciples to leave their fishing nets and […]
Sent conference emboldens church planters to heed and hold on to their holy calling
ENGLEWOOD, Colorado (Mennonite Mission Network) – When Gisselle Guity and several other women sensed a call to plant a church among marginalized women in West Palm Beach, Florida, in 2014, they quickly moved forward – and then stalled. They had tenderness of heart for abused women in poverty, but they lacked the tools for sustaining […]
Peace church planting webinar—Learn, pray, join
As part of the Learn, Pray, Join effort around peace church planting, Mennonite Church USA held this webinar with Mennonite Mission Network staff and a panel of church planters who shared some of their experiences, and learned about The Sent Network, a new online platform for those interested in church planting.
Contemplative retreat leading
When you are looking for… Contemplative Space Spiritual Discernment Prayer Practices for Peacemakers Missional Visioning Biblical Storytelling… Contact me to customize your next leadership retreat, visioning session, regional training, congregational or conference gathering, and more! I have planned and guided spiritual retreats for small groups of 8–25 and larger gatherings […]
Mission in Conflict Zones
Anabaptists around the world are engaged in costly mission in conflict zones. Some of these Anabaptists face the threat of death, kidnapping, and rape. The articles in this issue of Anabaptist Witness show that many living and working in conflict zones find Anabaptist and Mennonite theology a helpful aide to their understanding and practice of […]
Discipleship—Copies of the Original
When they were hauled before the Sanhedrin, Peter and John, two of Jesus’ disciples, gave a very courageous defense to the question, "By what power or what name do you do this?" I love how the leadership responded to Peter’s defense. When they "realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they […]
Creating an Anabaptist church-planting culture
New faith communities do not fall out of the sky. They generally emerge slowly through the Spirit-guided vision, sweat, and intentional effort of followers of Jesus who believe that giving birth to new communities is, as Stanley Green puts it, “an essential part of our spiritual DNA as the body of Christ” (p. 1). The […]
Creador de héroes
"Cada iglesia tiene una historia diferente", dice el empresario y pastor Patrick O’Connel, "pero todas las iglesias necesitan una instancia clara de desarrollo de liderazgo para los líderes, tanto voluntarios como pagos. Lo que a menudo falta es un camino que conduzca a la multiplicación". A partir de las prácticas de Jesús, este libro se enfoca en […]