Sister Care Brazil is building a network of healing

Anabaptist Women Doing Theology from Latin America

“Healed women promote healing.”  This was the message of empowerment at the Sister Care training held in Curitiba, Brazil, in 2015. A decade later, five dedicated women from the Brasília region of the Aliança Evangélica Menonita (AEM, Evangelical Mennonite Alliance), Elizangela Fernandes, Deusilene Milhomem, Marlene Milhomem, Rebeca Milhomem and Rosalina Vasco, are living proof of […]

Live seminar: What is your sermon doing?

Allan Rudy-Froese

What is your sermon doing?  A preaching refresher   This webinar was held in October 2024. You can view the recording above. Allan Rudy-Froese, PhD, a Linklater voice teacher and Associate Professor of Christian Proclamation at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, weaves vocal exercises and games into his seminary teaching and workshops for preachers, worship leaders, and storytellers. […]

What is an Anabaptist Christian? (Anabaptism at 500 edition)

Palmer Becker, a lifelong Mennonite pastor and educator, summarizes Anabaptist understandings in three key statements: (1) Jesus is the center of our faith; (2) community is the center of our lives; and (3) reconciliation is the center of our work.

Being a servant to one another

When I think of the word “service,” one of the first things that pops into my head is the lyrics to a song we often sing in our congregation, “Will You Let Me Be Your Servant” (Voices Together 778). Our hymnal sometimes uses first lines as titles; however, the actual song title is “The Servant […]

Meet Mission Network board member Kelsey Hochstetler

Kelsey Hochstetler

Meet Kelsey Hochstetler, a member of the board of directors with Mennonite Mission Network. Each Mission Network board member brings their unique voice and perspective to the leadership team, and each one is passionate about Mission Network’s guiding vision: to lead, mobilize and equip the church to participate in holistic witness to Jesus Christ in a […]

PSA: Service Adventure unit leaders aren’t house parents! 👪

Live out your faith. Mentor young adults. Nurture grassroots community. ​ Cooking, cleaning and house activities are shared among everyone in the unit.  For unit leaders, their goal is to mentor the participants living with them in the unit house; helping them learn how to live in community, together. There is no ‘typical’ Service Adventure leader. […]

Episode 4: Mutual (A vision for the church in mission)

The church in Antioch practiced a spirit of mutuality. In Antioch, Barnabas set an example for the church, by sharing leadership. Instead of working alone, Barnabas brought Saul from Tarsus to Antioch to help instruct the growing number of believers in the way of the Lord.

Con el firmepropósito depermanecer fieles

Los orígenes de la iglesia primitiva, detallados en Hechos 11:19-30, relatan la historia de una comunidad que encarnó características que aquí llamamos las “4 M”. Las 4 M, multiétnica, multiplicándose, madurando y mutualidad, describen una iglesia plenamente involucrada en la misión de Dios. Estascaracterísticas hacen que la iglesia sea la iglesia. Este cuadernillo explora este […]