Caminos Olvidados

El clásico cambio de paradigma propuesto por Alan Hirsch continua siendo la declaración definitiva de la iglesia como un dinámico movimiento misional. El éxito literario que fue la primera edición, encendió una conversación acerca de cómo aprovechar el poder de los movimientos para el crecimiento futuro de la iglesia. En esta edición actualizada, Hirsch comparte […]

Jesus Matters

Each author in this collection teams with one or more young adults to consider the various ways we encounter and experience Jesus.

What is an Anabaptist Christian?

Palmer Becker, a lifelong Mennonite pastor and educator, summarizes Anabaptist understandings in three key statements: (1) Jesus is the center of our faith; (2) community is the center of our lives; and (3) reconciliation is the center of our work.

Tongue Screws and Testimony

Mennonites tend to struggle with sharing their faith through verbal witness. This booklet suggests concrete ways to move Mennonites and other Christians in the direction of a more confident, joyful approach to livin gan dsharing “the hope that is within them.”

On Becoming a Missional Church in Japan

In this booklet, Mission Network educator Michael J. Sherrill shares stories of how the church in Japan is working to develop a model for witness that draws on the depth of western Christian traditions, while developing its own distinctive style within the Japanese cultural context. Cómo Ser Una Iglesia Misional en JapónEn este cuaderno, el […]

Together, sharing all of Christ with all of creation

An eight-part series of mission stories published in The Mennonite on workers for the Mission Network and the people they work with around the world. The title and the series are based on the agency’s tagline, which reflects a holistic view of mission that resonates with Anabaptist beliefs. Juntos, Compartiendo la Totalidad de Cristo con […]

‘A New Day in Mission’

In Africa, the ancestors guide life from their superior vantage point of proximity to spiritual power and from their wealth of experiential wisdom. Since Ed and Irene Weaver have been those ancestors for me and my husband, Rod, being chosen to write part of Irene’s story is one of the highest honors I have ever […]

Misión sin conquista

​Hace más de 55 años la presencia misionera del Equipo Menonita en el Chaco argentino se volcó a la búsqueda de maneras que sean eficaces y a la vez fieles al estilo de presencia que vivia y enseñaba Jesús. Al dejar de lado modelos paternalistas y todo intento "conquistador" y al liberarse de la necesidad […]