Full membership in Christ’s new humanity

As human beings, it is our natural tendency to classify and separate ourselves from those who are different from us. That classification and separation takes all forms: gender, age, race, ethnicity, education, socio-economic, religion … and the list goes on. These classifications can cause discomfort, fear, and even harm depending on one’s location and situation. […]

Seeking the Kingdom – Who is called?

November is mission month. Help us celebrate what God is doing in the world and how God calls us to share the good news with others. Here are some tools to plan a Mission Sunday celebration. Below, you’ll find a sermon starter, children’s story ideas, and worship songs and readings. We hope you’ll find them […]

Investing locally

Around the world, Mennonite Mission Network is committed to identify, invest in, and encourage leaders so that they become agents to discern and implement their church’s vision for ministry in their context. The approach we use has integrity and respects and empowers our partners. Our workers do not manage or lead ministry programs long-term. Instead, […]

God’s miracle in Mongolia

Twenty-five years ago, there were only four or five known Christian believers in the country of Mongolia. Today, one can find more than 400 churches with an estimated 50,000 members. For much of this period, Mennonites—facilitated by Mennonite Mission Network and the Ohio Mongolia Mission Partnership—have provided a presence in the country through long-term workers […]

A question of safety

In this issue of DoveTales I’m glad to introduce a new effort designed to help you and your congregation as you wrestle with the question of safety.  The epidemic of mass shootings in our country has the topic of safety on all of our minds. How do we best keep schools, children and neighborhoods safe? […]

Congolese Mennonites initiate reconciliation with mission workers

More than 60 years ago, two Congolese nurses risked death to negotiate for the lives of three missionary families. The Jeunesse rebels attacked as night began to fall, captured the families, and were taking them to stand trial in the jungle before the rebel tribunal. The Jeunesse rebels were part of a movement of disillusioned […]

Menonitas congoleses inician el proceso de reconciliación con obreros de la misión

Hace más de 60 años, dos enfermeras congolesas arriesgaron su vida al negociar por las vidas de tres familias misioneras. Los rebeldes Jeunesse atacaron al caer la noche, capturaron a las familias y las llevaron a ser juzgadas en la selva ante el tribunal rebelde.  Los rebeldes Jeunesse pertenecían a un movimiento de jóvenes congoleses […]

A servant’s heart

"The greatest among you will be your servant."  —Matthew 23:11 Each year more than 200 young adults serve in cities across North America and around the world through our Christian Service programs. In each program we are intentional about discipleship formation that helps the participants grow in their capacity to follow Jesus and to make […]

Mission and creation

​In the midst of the ominous message that we are careening toward destruction, there are signs of hope everywhere in acts large and small that people are taking to mitigate the effects of climate change and restore damaged lands. Essays in this issue of Anabaptist Witness explore and propose some of these hopeful acts: community […]

God’s people in mission

​This book has been possible thanks to the grace of God that has guided the writers to share gracefully their time, experience, knowledge, and wisdom for the benefit of God’s Kingdom and the communities of faith. We are offering this book as testimony of God’s grace, love, promises, and hope for us and the entire […]

Hero Maker

Everybody wants to be a hero, but few understand the power of being a hero maker. In Hero Maker you will learn how to bring real change to your church and community by developing the practical skills to help others reach their leadership potential. Drawing on five powerful practices found in the ministry of Jesus, Hero Maker presents the […]

Ministry—consistency and continuity

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."  —Matthew 28:19-20 My spouse, Ursula, has […]