Who Will Be A Witness
Churches have begun awakening to social and political injustices, often carried out in the name of Christianity. But once awakened, how will we respond? Who Will Be a Witness offers a vision for communities of faith to organize for deliverance and justice in their neighborhoods, states, and nation as an essential part of living out the […]
God bless you, friends
It’s been a privilege to serve with the Peace and Justice Support Network (PJSN) for nearly 10 years. In that time, I believe PJSN contributed positively to Mennonite peacemaking. From continuing our historic opposition to militarism to addressing newer issues, like the spiritual wounds of war and bystander intervention, we never remained static. With […]
Refrigerator pictures prompt prayers
Mary Raber, who recently retired from serving in Ukraine with Mennonite Mission Network, feels deeply grateful that her prayer card found a place on a refrigerator in Kansas. "A woman kindly wrote to me and told me my photo is on her fridge and that she prays for me every time she reaches for […]
Tarjetas pegadas en la refrigeradora inspiran oraciones
Mary Raber, quien se jubiló recientemente de su servicio con la Red Menonita de Misión en Ucrania, está profundamente agradecida porque su tarjeta de oración encontró su lugar en una refrigeradora en Kansas. "Una señora me escribió muy amablemente contándome que tiene mi foto pegada en su refrigeradora y que eleva una oración por mí cada […]
Worship and witness
This issue of Anabaptist Witness explores many understandings of worship and expressions of witness. To witness is to observe a statement or action or to profess one’s religious beliefs. We can witness God’s work in the world or humans’ good and harmful deeds. We can proclaim our beliefs, in words and actions, to one another within and […]
Parted by miles, bonded in spirit
When Marc and Vonna Yoder, Mennonite Mission Network donors, received U.S. federal stimulus funds during the COVID-19 pandemic, they wondered: How can we best share some of this with others who are in more need than ourselves? For guidance, Marc Yoder reached out to Dwight Mueller, their current Donor Relations representative for the agency. Mueller, who […]
A millas de distancia, unidos en el espíritu
Cuando Marc y Vonna Yoder, donantes de la Red Menonita de Misión, recibieron del gobierno federal de Estados Unidos los fondos de estímulo durante la pandemia de COVID-19, se preguntaron: "¿De qué manera podemos compartir esto con otras personas que tienen más necesidades que nosotros?" Marc Yoder le pidió asesoramiento a Dwight Mueller, el actual […]
Having faith that God will make things new
The seasons are changing. We are now in a new year and in a time when the daylight lasts longer and trees are beginning to bud with new life. There is a clearer way through the tragic COVID-19 pandemic. As we do during the Lenten season, we acknowledge that we are stewards of our faith […]
Thank you
Gratitude is the overwhelming feeling I experience as I write this. Gratitude for God’s love for us, through Jesus. Gratitude to you all for allowing me to serve the church through my role with PJSN. Gratitude for the glimmers of hope that refuse to be dimmed, even as the horizon seems to darken. This is […]
Letting go, pressing forward
When Debbie and Rick Lee were invited to uproot their lives in Homestead, Florida, to lead Mennonite Mission Network’s Service Adventure unit in Jackson, Mississippi, Debbie Lee said that she initially resisted the idea. Debbie Lee, who is artistically gifted, felt deeply bonded to what she described as her "mid-life dream home" in Homestead. After […]
Soltar y avanzar
Debbie Lee dijo que al comienzo, cuando les invitaron a ella y a Rick Lee a dirigir la unidad de Servicio Aventurero de la Red Menonita de Misión en Jackson, Misisipi, y dejar atrás su vida y raíces en Homestead, Florida, se resistió a la idea. Debbie, quien tiene dones artísticos, se sentía muy apegada a […]
The wind blows where it wishes
In March 2020, two anniversaries were celebrated in Ecuador. One anniversary marked 30 years of Mennonite Mission Network’s presence in Ecuador. The other marked 20 years of the partnership formed for ministry in Ecuador, which includes Mission Network, Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Colombia (IMCOL–Colombia Mennonite Church), and Central Plains Mennonite Conference (CPMC), an area conference of Mennonite […]