A New Day in Mission’
Irene Weaver reflects on her century of ministry
Misión sin conquista
Hace más de 55 años la presencia misionera del Equipo Menonita en el Chaco argentino se volcó a la búsqueda de maneras que sean eficaces y a la vez fieles al estilo de presencia que vivia y enseñaba Jesús. Al dejar de lado modelos paternalistas y todo intento "conquistador" y al liberarse de la necesidad […]
Students Talk about Service
The history of the Service Inquiry Program at Goshen College
Purpose Driven Mennonites
A perspective on the resources surrounding Purpose Driven Church.
Money and Mission—A Discernment Guide for Congregations
This booklet engages the conversation surrounding money. When we talk about money and share counsel and discernment about its use, it begins to lose its power over us.
Peace Church, Mission Church
This booklet discusses the tension that exists in the church between peace/justice and mission/evangelism.
From Kansas to Kenedougou—And Back Again
Reflections on a journey into service.
Does Your Church “Smell” Like Mission?
Reflections on becoming a missional church
Understanding Islam
A Christian reflection on the faith of our Muslim neighbors
Changing Frontiers of Mission
Changing Frontiers of Mission reflects on the history of missions and seeks to discern its path for the future.
Images of the Church in Mission
Driver explores images of pilgrimage, of God’s new order, of peoplehood, and of transformation. By its calling, the church must be in mission. The church needs the vital sense of identity inspired by these biblical images to serve God’s saving purpose for all creation.