PRAY for the PEACE of Jerusalem
In many ways, Jerusalem is a microcosm of our world. It is ancient, beautiful, and teeming with life. And it continues to be torn apart by violence and enmity, fueled by injustice, mistrust, and often—tragically—the misuse of sacred Scripture. Jerusalem is a holy city to not just one, but three, of the world’s religions: Judaism, […]
Christian Service
Social servants Service made worthwhile by human connections By Sara Alvarez Serving fellow humans is a social activity. Whether it’s conversing in the cafeteria of a food pantry while prepping the food in the kitchen, or outside harvesting vegetables from a garden, at the very least, a volunteer has to communicate with a supervisor who […]
Finding refuge
Mission done best by invitation By Sara Alvarez During these first months on the job, I’ve appreciated Mennonite Mission Network’s emphasis on partnership. We don’t presume to understand another’s culture, and we don’t assume we’ll do better than local organizations. Instead, we wait for churches or organizations to ask us to join them. They come […]
Mongolia Partners
Different surroundings, familiar hope By Wil LaVeist Twenty years ago, Mennonite Mission Network joined other Christian agencies in setting aside doctrinal differences to focus on their shared belief in Jesus, and to do one thing—serve alongside the Mongolian people. In this issue of Beyond Ourselves, we commemorate that commitment to JCS International and how the […]
You surround me with songs
Celebrate God’s mission
Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world
Wars and rumors of wars, drone attacks, mass shootings—the headlines of the day confirm that violence continues to be our culture’s favored reaction to conflict. But the tragic headlines don’t tell the whole story. Violence is written into our entertainment, our recreation, our politics. Violence isn’t an act or action—it’s a worldview that gains adherents […]
Walking together in mission
Mennonite Mission Network’s philosophy of mission.
For God so loved Afghanistan
Journal selections from 16 years of family living in the war-torn land of Afghanistan.
Agreeing and disagreeing in love
Peace Sunday comes this year in the midst of a national election season. Deciding how to participate, or to participate at all, in the political process can be a spiritual exercise when pursued through prayer and in discerning communities of faith. The result of that exercise will lead followers of Jesus to different conclusions. These […]
Joy and hope amidst injustice in the Congo By Lynda Hollinger-Janzen I experience life in the Congo as spicy pili-pili, the hot pepper used to season greens, that most Congolese eat with their fufu day after day—if they are fortunate enough to eat. The intense delight of taste buds is accompanied by a long-lasting burn, […]
How are you called?
How do you and your congregation do mission? The tools and resources for Mission Sunday share ways your church’s gifts are used for mission around the world. You can download the Mission Sunday tools, which include a sermon starter, children’s story, prayer, song and reading suggestions, Scripture passages, and giving project ideas. Choose a Sunday […]
Creating Local Arts Together
Creating Local Arts Together is a manual designed to guide an individual or group into a local community’s efforts at integrating its arts with the values and purposes of God’s kingdom.