Global bonds of healing and hope
Getting it together Being people vs. doing projects By Laurie Oswald Robinson For five decades, I just didn’t get it. As a Mennonite kid, I went to dozens of missionary slide shows. Most memorable were the cookies after the service. The message of how important it is to globally share Jesus’ gospel failed to clear […]
Bubbling over with love
Mennonite Mission Network exists to lead, mobilize and equip the church to participate in holistic witness to Jesus Christ in a broken world. Our goal is to help every Mennonite Church USA congregation connect to what God is doing in the world. By partnering with others, we help equip missional congregations and their leaders to […]
Mission Without Conquest
This book embodies a new way to approach the church’s missionary task – a way that makes the mission of Jesus Christ the paradigm for Christian mission until his return.
Construyendo una Cultura de Discipulado
Mucha tinta y muchas páginas se han dedicado a todos los problemas misionales que actualmente enfrenta la iglesia de occidente. En la medida en que la cultura imperante cada día que pasa se vuelve más post-cristiana, nos damos cuenta que aquello que ha funcionado bien en el pasado no funciona más hoy, que somos mucho […]
How can we be silent?
Peace Sunday is observed on the Sunday closest to the United Nations’ International Day of Peace on September 21. The Peace and Justice Support Network creates worship materials that congregations may use on this or any Sunday throughout the year. Peace Sunday is an annual opportunity to acknowledge and respond to the violence that continues […]
Anabaptist Mission and Theology of Religions
Consideration of the church’s missional constitution and context lead to the claim that interaction with religious others is a necessary element of Anabaptist witness. But what does this interaction look like? What should it look like? What resources do Christian theology and missiology offer as guides to understanding and engaging other religions? The essays in […]
Small beginnings
From a seed to many shoots Ministries grow from carful cultivation. By Sara Alvarez When Steve Wiebe-Johnson, Mennonite Mission Network’s director for Africa, talks about the ministries in Benin, he likes to talk about peanuts. When properly cared for, a peanut plant will multiply through an underground root system that produces new plants. The Benin […]
3-D Gospel in Benin
Beninese churches invite Mennonites to holistic partnership.
Fully Engaged
As the missional church movement matures, Anabaptists bring a time-honored theological tradition, a contemporary spiritual vitality, and practical stories of witness to the conversation.
Go and make disciples
‘Come, follow me’ Discipleship isn’t an easy path, but Jesus calls us to it By Sara Alvarez The idea seems so simple: Meet regularly with someone and encourage each other’s daily faith journey. Jesus did it when he called his disciples from their day jobs, and asked them to follow him. The group stayed together […]
Anabaptist Identities in a Changing World
Mission has been central to the Anabaptist movement from its beginning in the sixteenth century to its global presence today. This engagement in God’s mission to and for the world continues to be facilitated by and stretched through dialogical missiological thinking and reflection. To these ends, we hope the relaunch of the journal Anabaptist Witness, […]
Transformed by God’s love
Come with us and celebrate God’s transforming love—in our own lives and the lives of Christians around the world! Choose a Sunday in November that fits your worship schedule and join us to celebrate God’s mission. Download these worship materials to plan your own mission Sunday. The sermon starter, children’s story, prayer, song and reading […]