La libertad de servir
¡Uf! dijo Lizzy. "Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco… y seis". Todos los participantes de Youth Venture (Jóvenes al Servicio) habían llegado seguros y a tiempo a la puerta de embarque. Lidiar con los desafíos de un aeropuerto puede ser una experiencia estresante, pero hacerlo y al mismo tiempo estar pendiente de seis adolecentes es algo […]
The freedom to serve
"Whew!" Lizzy said. "One, two, three, four, five … and six!" All her Youth Venture participants had arrived safely at their flight’s gate. Navigating an airport can be a stressful experience in itself, but doing it while also trying to keep track of six teenagers is a whole other thing. However, airport navigation wasn’t the […]
Paths of love through diversity
As was his habit, Francisco scrolled through e-mails before calling it a day. Almost ready to go to sleep, he saw the invitation to serve from Mennonite Mission Network. "When I read the word ‘Spain,’ my heart started beating faster," he said. It had only been a few months prior that he had begun to […]
Pasadizos de amor en medio de la adversidad
De acuerdo a su rutina, Francisco le echó un vistazo a su correo electrónico antes de finalizar la jornada laboral. Estaba a punto de irse a dormir cuando vio la invitación a servir de la Red Menonita de Misión. "Cuando leí la palabra ‘España’, mi corazón comenzó a latir más fuerte," el dijo. No […]
Now is the time
I think it’s safe to say 2018 will be another year full of challenges and opportunities for peacemakers. The turmoil in our nation is only increased by a dysfunctional political system. The animosity, entrenched racism, increased poverty, and despair will not stop anytime soon. That’s not to mention our massive, destructive military engagements around the […]
Trouble I’ve Seen
What if racial reconciliation doesn’t look like what you expected? The high-profile killings of young black men and women by white police officers, and the protests and violence that ensued, have convinced many white Christians to reexamine their intuitions when it comes to race and justice. In this provocative book, theologian and blogger Drew G. […]
Growing the church in the rural neighborhood
If you are inclined to use words like “depressed,” “declining,” or “disappearing” to describe the state of rural churches today, you will find hope in reading this booklet. Brad Roth, himself a pastor in small-town Moundridge, Kansas, believes it is time to take a new look at the rural church reality. “In a lot of […]
God’s word finds fertile soil in Burkina Faso
In 1982, Anne Garber (Kompaoré) and Gail Wiebe (Toevs) arrived in the village of Kotoura, Burkina Faso, believing that their work would only entail translation and linguistics. They had carefully laid out plans about how to present the good news of Jesus gradually and in culturally appropriate ways. According to their plan, they thought it […]
La palabra de Dios encuentra tierra fértil en Burkina Faso
En 1982, Anne Garber (Kompaoré) y Gail Wiebe (Toevs) llegaron al poblado de Kotoura, Burkina Faso, creyendo que su trabajo solo consistiría en traducción y lingüística. Habían planificado meticulosamente cómo presentar las Buenas Nuevas de Jesús de una manera gradual y culturalmente apropiada. De acuerdo a sus planes, ellas pensaron que pasarían unos 20 años […]
Peacemaking transforms conflict in South Africa
"All nations will stream toward the mountain of God’s house, saying, ‘Come, let’s learn the way God works, so we can live in God’s ways.’ God will make things right between many peoples. They’ll turn their swords into shovels, their spears into hoes. No more will nation fight nation." —Isaiah 2:3-4, adapted from The […]
Active pacifism
I heard it again last week. A friend who belongs to another Christian denomination said he believed in nonviolence, but could never call himself a pacifist. "Pacifism is too disengaged, not active enough in the face of evil." We had a lively discussion about this. You’ve likely heard this same complaint and had similar discussions. […]
Surprise—God revealed in unexpected moments
Miraculous today By Dani Klotz The last chapter in Hebrews is full of nuggets of wisdom for the daily lives of Christians. This letter, originally written to Jewish believers, describes Jesus as the key to a new and better covenant. Faithfulness to the new covenant, which addresses a changed reality, is emphasized throughout the book. […]