Macau Mennonite Church

Macau Mennonite Church

The Macau Mennonite Church ministers to middle class and blue-collar working families through family ministries that include an after-school tutoring program, counseling, English classes, youth ministries and worship services.

Since 1999 when Macau was returned to China after 450 years of Portuguese rule, this small enclave off the southern coast of China has emerged as the gambling capital of East Asia. With deregulation of the gambling industry, large American-owned casinos are being built, resulting in significant family and moral issues for Macau residents.

The mission work in Macau began in 1996 under the Commission on Overseas Mission of the General Conference Mennonite Church. George and Tobia Veith transferred to Macau from the mission in Hong Kong and a mission worker from Indonesia and two from Hong Kong joined them. The partnership included the Conference of Mennonite Churches in Hong Kong, the GKMI Indonesian Mennonite Church, and the Fellowship of Mennonite Churches in Taiwan. Mennonite Church Canada Witness assumes administrative leadership in 2002. In 2006, a Macau Mission Partnership council was established to oversee and direct the mission in Macau. Mennonite Mission Network is a sponsoring partner of the Macau mission.

Connected Mission Workers

No mission workers currently serving with this partner.