Ghana Mennonite Church

Ghana Mennonite Church

The Ghana Mennonite Church started under Ghanaian leadership in the late 1950’s and is found in the southern regions of Ghana.

​The church currently is composed of 27 congregations in different regions of the country. Mission Network personnel continue to relate to the church, collaborating mostly in the area of biblical and theological training for church leaders.

​The effort to establish a Mennonite Church in Ghana began in 1955 when Ghanaian George Thompson learned about Mennonites at a conference in Europe. A year later he was baptized and commissioned to establish a Mennonite church. Mennonite Board of Missions, a predecessor agency of Mennonite Mission Network, collaborated with the GMC through resident missionaries for 30 years beginning in the late 1950s. They worked in the areas of health, biblical and theological training, and church development.

Connected Mission Workers

Toni and Matthew Krabill

Matthew and Toni Krabill

Matthew and Toni serve in Accra, Ghana supporting theological institutions throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Matthew serves with The Sanneh Institute (TSI) in its mission to support

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