Paraguay Mennonites celebrate God’s provisions

ASUNCIÓN, Paraguay (Mennonite Mission Network) — On Feb. 26, 2006, La Roca (The Rock) Mennonite Church in Asunción, Paraguay, celebrated its fourth anniversary with a special emphasis — the dedication of the building the congregation has purchased. Under the banner “Ascribe greatness to our God! The Rock, his work is perfect, and all his ways are just” (Deuteronomy 32: 3b-4a), the congregation of 80 members proclaimed the goodness in God’s provision for a church building. La Roca is a Spanish church plant of the German Concordia Mennonite Church in Asunción. The vision grew from a call to offer more than translation for Spanish-speaking people who attend Concordia services.

At the beginning of 2005, the congregation’s building fund was around $24,000, and the owner of a church building they were hoping to buy was asking $125,000. By August, with fund-raisers and a generous Thanksgiving offering from Concordia, they had reached nearly $70,000, and the owner had dropped the price to $117,000. The church prayerfully decided to offer $90,000 cash. The owners accepted. The building was completely paid off before the end of 2005.

The dedication sermon, based on Acts 5:12-16 and 8: 2-8 was titled, "The Church in the Street," and each participant was invited to take a piece of gravel as a commitment to be the church in the street.

C. Paul and Hildi Amstutz are Mission Associates from Mennonite Mission Network who lead this economically and culturally diverse faith community which began with 10 members four years ago.

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