After 19 years as executive director of Mennonite Mission Network, the mission agency of Mennonite Church USA, Stanley W. Green announced his retirement effective the end of July 2020. The Mission Network board of directors has formed a six-member search committee for Stanley’s successor.
The search committee is gathering information about what constituents desire as qualifications for the next Mission Network executive director. You are invited to complete a questionnaire here. You can view a draft job description here. The questionnaire will be open until Sept. 13. After reviewing all feedback, the search committee will prepare a final job description and invite applications at that time.
When you reflect on this role at Mission Network, who comes to mind? Please suggest names of persons the search committee might invite to consider this role. Basic contact and context information for each name will be appreciated. Please e-mail the search committee at
In addition to providing feedback and names, the search committee requests your ongoing prayer to guide this discernment process.
The committee is being led by Lee Schmucker, president of Schmucker Training and Consulting. Other members of the committee are Madeline Maldonado, Mission Network board chair from Goshen, Indiana; Linda Dibble, Executive Board member and moderator-elect for Mennonite Church USA from Albany, Oregon; Cindy Cumberbatch, Mission Network board member from Tampa, Florida; Andrew Bodden, Mission Network board member from Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and Steve Breidigan, Mission Network board member from Douglasville, Pennsylvania. Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, is an ex-officio member of the search committee.