Mennonite Church youth volunteers benefit Valencia campuses

​Inga Haglund of Springs Mennonite Church in Salisbury

​Inga Haglund of Springs Mennonite Church in Salisbury

While preparing for the Mennonite Church USA 2017 Conference in Orlando - which would feature reflective and informational workshops as well as youth volunteer opportunities – Arloa Bontrager and Jolene VonGuten of Mennonite Mission Network contacted the Orlando Visitor’s Bureau for a list of potential organizations to partner with. Valencia College quickly rose to the top of the list as a possible site for the summit’s volunteer work.

“Our goal in selecting work sites was to partner with local organizations that have deep connections in the community and that are doing work that we can be a part of,” said Jolene VonGunten, Mennonite Church USA’s "servant" projects site coordinator. “Valencia College certainly fit the bill! We were impressed with Valencia’s reputation as one of the best community colleges in the country, as well as one of the largest, and we’ve appreciated Valencia College’s close ties to the Orlando community.” 

Thus, Valencia was selected as a host organization for the convention (along with several others like the Salvation Army, Clean the World, and Second Harvest Food Bank), which was held July 4-8, 2017. 

Explaining the importance of the youth servant projects, which have remained an important part of the Mennonite Church USA’s biennial conventions for the past 20 years, coordinator Arloa Bontrager said, “At our conventions, we always make space for service. It’s a time to think outside ourselves and learn more about the city hosting us. It’s such an honor to walk alongside, even for a short time, those people in Orlando who are investing in, and strengthening, their community. If we wouldn’t leave the bubble of the convention center, we’d never hear these remarkable stories. Our convention theme this year was ‘Love is a Verb.’ We hope in some small way we offered love in action.” 

Through this convention, Mennonite volunteers visited several Valencia campuses, July 5-7, and participated in an array of volunteer projects - including washing fire rescue vehicles, cleaning Lake Pamela on the West Campus, planting plants, weeding, moving boxes, and even painting props for the arts and entertainment department.

As Dewayne Hameline, grounds maintenance supervisor, said, “There’s always something to do on campus.” So, volunteers helping with day-to-day operations were a welcomed proposition. 

One student, Nic Egli from Ontario, Canada, commented on the reason he enjoyed volunteering. “It’s good for everyone,” he said, as he prepared to join Dewayne in planting plants by a West Campus sign. “It’s a good experience, and it’s good to get to know new people and help the community.” 

Shane Saylor, one of the sponsors overseeing volunteer efforts at the fire rescue center, mirrored Nic’s thoughts. “It shows that people care,” he said. 

Valencia thanks all of the volunteers for their efforts, and the Valencia staff who helped make the volunteer projects possible.

This article was first published by Valencia College.

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