Adaptation empowering innovation throughout Mennonite Mission Network

​​Photo provided by Michael J. Sherrill

​Photo provided by Michael J. Sherrill

​Laurie Oswald Robinson is editor at Mennonite Mission Network.

Mennonite Mission Network is forging new pathways through the challenges of the pandemic to continue joining God’s mission around the world. Mike Sherrill, executive director for Mission Network, spoke on these innovations during a Nov. 17 webinar titled "Adapting to the Pandemic and Innovating for the Future." 

"The trial of this pandemic has been an opportunity for the church and mission to become unleashed and set free to blossom in a new way," Sherrill said. "Up until this year, our mission agency has mainly operated as a physical organization with an online essence. However, in the span of a few months, we pivoted to operate mainly as a digital organization with a physical space. This adaptation has its challenges but also has positively influenced our organization."

By listening to this audio recording of the webinar, you will learn how innovation is positively reverberating through Mission Network: 

  • The church has left the building, but Mission Network has not left the church. The mission agency is enhancing its in-person ministries and extending its physical gathering places through: online platforms, training seminars, informational webinars, worship and Bible study for staff members, global partners, Christian Service participants across the United States and constituents.

  • The mission agency’s plans have been interrupted, but God’s plans have not. For example, Mission Network swiftly responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by communicating care and concern to its global workers, and partners, including 71 international workers in 30 countries; and empowering 150 Christian Service participants to meet the challenges of our times.                                              

  • Amid new emotional, spiritual and societal stressors and anxieties, Mission Network is being the gospel and bringing the peace by remaining centered in Christ.

As the world awakens in new ways to the depth of wounds caused by systemic racial oppression and other injustices, Mission Network is sharing God’s ancient call to missions through contemporary avenues. "Love is the central driving force behind our work," Sherrill said. "… The Risen Christ is here in the world that it may be saved from hopelessness, loneliness, injustice, and despair. We, the church, are called to partner with Jesus in this healing work."

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