- Earl, whose family helped get him treatment for alcoholism
- Bill and Pam’s family working together to recover from drug/alcohol addictions
- Rachel and Chris, both in recovery
- Lynn and her son, Nick, a recovering drug and alcohol addict
- Tammy, a young woman who got hooked on prescription drugs for migraines
Treatment agencies in the program include Penn Foundation Recovery Center in Sellersville, Pa.; St. Christopher’s Inn in Greymoor, N.Y.; Caron Treatment Centers in Wernersville, Pa.; and Atlanta (Ga.)Enterprise Center.
When this program aired on a limited basis on the Hallmark Channel last year, Mennonite Media received more than 100 phone calls from people with addictions, their family members and friends, and treatment professionals from across the United States, including California, Utah, Florida, Ohio, Missouri, Washington, Nevada, Kentucky and Texas. The program has won several media awards.
The mother of a 38-year-old woman called in tears saying that she and her husband had just discovered that their daughter was alcoholic. A clinical psychologist, now a sober drug addict, was moved by the program and spoke of the number of friends she lost when addicted. She was inspired to want to help others in some way. Many callers wanted the names of local treatment programs. A Vietnam veteran from California said, “I was totally impressed with the program. Thank you very much for being who you are.”
Burton Buller, producer for the program and director of Mennonite Media, created the documentary in cooperation with Faith & Values Media, (recently renamed Odyssey Networks), the nation’s largest coalition of interfaith groups dedicated to media production, distribution and promotion. The “Vision and Values” timeslot on ABC-TV is coordinated through the Interfaith Broadcasting Commission and National Council of Churches.
An airing schedule is available at www.FindingHopeInRecovery.com or by checking local listings. The program is also available on DVD for $24.95 from Mennonite Media at 800-999-3534 or store.mennomedia.org.
Mennonite Media is an agency of Mennonite Mission Network.