A pro-peace approach to Israel-Palestine

Jason Boone

Jason Boone

Washington, D.C. (Mennonite Mission Network) The Peace and Justice Support Network, a partnership between Mennonite Church USA Executive Board and Mennonite Mission Network, joined with evangelical, Catholic and mainline church leaders in Washington, D.C., last week to work on a pro-peace approach to the ongoing Israel-Palestinian conflict.

At the conference organized by The Telos Group, an organization that offers educational trips to the Middle East, participants focused on a pro-Israel, pro-Palestine, pro-peace approach to the conflict.

“A pro, pro, pro approach to Israel-Palestine includes working for peace, justice and security for the region by building relationships and partnerships with everyone who desires a peaceful solution to the conflict,” said Jason Boone, coordinating minister of the Peace and Justice Support Network. “This keeps Jesus at the center of the process by refusing to cast any side as an enemy and seeking shalom for all.”

André Gingerich Stoner, director of Holistic Witness for Mennonite Church USA, and Hal Schrader, pastor of Trinity Mennonite Church in Glendale, Ariz., also attended the conference.

"American Christians need to understand that it is possible to be pro-peace and pro-Palestine while at the same time being pro-American and pro-Israel,” said Schrader. “We all agree on the need for freedom, dignity and security for everyone in the region. So it is necessary to hear many stories and perspectives in order to work together for peace. The Telos Group has been very effective in bringing different voices to the table.”

Members of U.S. Congress spoke at the conference on Wednesday night, expressing their appreciation of faith groups working together for peace in a way that transcends political lines. Other sessions focused on topics such as the theological issues relating to Israel-Palestine, updates on the ongoing diplomatic efforts, and how peacemaking is a necessary form of discipleship.

“It was exciting to hear our evangelical and mainline brothers and sisters talk about peace being at the heart of the gospel,” said Boone. “As these Christians enter into the pain that arises from the Israel-Palestine conflict, the good news of Jesus takes on another dimension. It’s good to know we have more partners on the journey for peace,” said Boone.

Continue to explore a pro-Israel, pro-Palestine, pro-peace approach to the Middle East at the Impact: Holy Land conference in December in Philadelphia, Pa. For more information about the conference and scholarship opportunities, please contact Jason Boone at jasonb@Mennoniteusa.org.


For immediate release

Mennonite Mission Network, the mission agency of Mennonite Church USA, leads, mobilizes and equips the church to participate in holistic witness to Jesus Christ in a broken world. Media may contact news@mennonitemission.net.


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