The historical role of mission in Anabaptism

Historically, mission played a pivotal role in the evolution of Anabaptism, significantly influencing its theology, spread, and survival. 

A Philadelphia Anabaptist Immersion during a Storm,” by Pavel Petrovich Svinin. Courtesy of Metropolitan Museum of Art.

In the 16th century, Anabaptism was characterized by a commitment to adult baptism, voluntary church membership and a life of discipleship, based on the teachings of Jesus. It also confronted the social and political norms on at least two levels—refusing Christendom’s fusion of church and state and practicing economic sharing as a peaceful response to the oppression of the feudal system. Missionaries, like Menno Simons, were instrumental in spreading these beliefs beyond their initial contexts. Anabaptists traveled widely, often at great personal risk, to preach, baptize and found new congregations. 

Missionaries, through their travels, not only spread the faith but also inadvertently protected it through decentralization. As they moved from place to place, they left behind small, often hidden, communities that could continue the mission, even if one location was eradicated. 

“Regnier Hansloe, an Anabaptist Minister, and His Wife (Cornelis Claesz Anslo and His Wife Aeltje Gerritsdr Schouten),” Josiah Boydel. Courtesty of Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Over the next five centuries, missionaries established Anabaptist communities throughout the world, leading to a rich diversity of members.  

Today, the legacy of Anabaptist missionaries is seen in organizations like Mennonite Mission Network and in the missionary energy of congregations around the world. It lives on in the commitment to share Jesus’ liberating salvation and in domestic and international social justice, peacebuilding and community service.