History of Mennonite Mission Network
Mennonite Mission Network, the mission agency of Mennonite Church USA, is dedicated to Christian witness and service across the globe. It emerged as the result of the merger of two denominations, the Mennonite Church (MC) and General Conference Mennonite Church (GC), and the reorganization of their mission agencies. Here’s a brief historical overview:
Early beginnings
Board on Home Ministries (later known as Commision on Home Ministries,CHM):
- Founded in 1872, this mission agency of the General Conference Mennonite Church focused on domestic outreach, discipleship and service in North America.
- Board on Home Ministries organized domestic service opportunities, including programs to address poverty, housing and education.

Mennonite Board of Missions (MBM):
- Founded in 1894, MBM was the mission agency of the Mennonite Church.
- Its work initially focused on domestic mission efforts within the United States, including church planting, educational work and evangelism.
- Over time, MBM expanded to international missions, including work in Africa, India and Latin America.
Board on Overseas Mission (later known as Commission on Overseas Mission, COM):
- Formed in 1945, BOM was the international mission agency of the General Conference Mennonite Church.
- It focused on international mission work, particularly in Africa, Asia and Latin America, through church planting, education, healthcare and community development.
An agency of Mennonite Church USA
When MC and GC merged in 2002 to form Mennonite Church USA, their respective mission agencies were also combined to create Mennonite Mission Network, which officially began operating in 2002.
Mission Network inherited the rich histories of these predecessor agencies and their commitment to holistic mission. It continues to carry forward a vision of global mission, rooted in reconciliation, mutuality and holistic care.
Mennonite Mission Network helps individuals and congregations realize, develop and fulfill the ministry calling God has given them. Our core mission is to embody God’s reconciling love in the world through:
- Church planting and evangelism: Supporting congregations in the U.S. and abroad.
- Community development: Empowering communities to address social, economic and health challenges.
- Education and leadership development: Equipping leaders for service and discipleship.
- Peacebuilding: Promoting reconciliation and justice.
Current programs and partnerships
Mission Network currently has global partners in 26 states and 45 countries.
Mission Network partners with other Anabaptist and like-minded Christian organizations globally, emphasizing mutual relationships over paternalistic models of mission.
When invited, Mission Network supports ongoing connections with long-term international partners, focusing on collaboration rather than imposing outside agendas.
We operate diverse short- and long-term volunteer programs in the United States and abroad.
- Just Peace Pilgrimages, for all ages
- Mennonite Voluntary Service and Service Adventure, which engage young adults in service and learning
- SOOP (Service Opportunities with Our Partners), for adults and families
- Youth Venture, for ages 15-22