
Mennonite World Conference has called its member agencies to work together to address the urgent humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As a global community of faith that exists to facilitate relationships between Anabaptist-related churches ...

Congo overview

​Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission began work in Congo in 1912.

Two large Mennonite denominations grew out of this holistic ministry, Communauté Evangélique au Congo (Evangelical Mennonite Church of Congo) and Communauté Mennonite au Congo (Mennonite Church of Congo).

Beginning in the 1970s, North American missionaries were invited by and worked under national church leadership.

By 1998, due to political insecurity and family considerations, all long-term North American workers had left the country. North American workers returned in 2003, a sign of hope to Congolese believers.

The Mennonite Church of Congo and the Evangelical Mennonite Church celebrated a century of Mennonite presence and witness in Congo July 23-26. The events focused on thankfulness for what God has done over the past 100 years in establishing these churches and their varied ministries, and reflected on vision for the future. Members of these national churches gathered to worship together through song and dance, ordain pastoral leadership, and pray for the development and vitality of their churches. Delegations from North America and Europe also participated.




By Lynda Hollinger-Janzen
Church History