
La Guajira

“There are many problems here in La Guajira,” said Maria del Rosario Peña de Melo, a social leader and pastor of a Mennonite church in Riohacha, as she looked around the entranceway of the Casa del Abuelo ...

Colombia overview

In Colombia, Mennonite Mission Network relates directly with the Iglesia CristianaMenonita de Colombia, IMCOL (Colombia Mennonite Church), and its ministries. IMCOL developed from the work of General Conference Mennonite Church missionaries who arrived in Colombia in 1945. Mission Network personnel in Colombia have served in many capacities in the years since then.

In living out Anabaptist values, the Mennonite Church works hard to respond to the needs in their context and is known for its leadership in work for justice and peace at community and national levels. In living Colombia’s 2016 peace agreement was a remarkable achievement, yet peace continues to be fragile and people displaced by war face many challenges.

In addition to local congregational ministries, the broader work of IMCOL includes a seminary, church planting and missions, a school and a retreat center as well as numerous ministries.

The IMCOL Comité de Misiones is a partner with Mission Network and Central Plains Mennonite Conferences in the Ecuador and Venezuela partnerships. Mission Network also relates closely with IMCOL in supporting ministry in Iquitos, Peru.




historias de pacificación
To serve with love