

Mennonite Mission Network and its predecessor agencies have engaged in youth ministry in Botswana since the 1985, when Bopaganang 85 (Youth Fest 1985) was held. This festival, co-sponsored with the Spiritual Healing Church, attracted about 200 young ...

Botswana overview

Mennonite Central Committee began work in Botswana in the 1970s, providing schoolteachers and training in job skills. As a result of friendships with local African-Initiated Churches,Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission – with which Mennonite Mission Network is a partner–was invited to send Bible teachers.
Beginning in 1975, six Mennonite denominations have sent workers to Botswana. In addition to Bible teaching among African-Initiated Churches, these workers are involved in AIDS education and counseling, community development, youth ministry, friendship evangelism, teaching and issues related to families.




Bokgoni Sporting Club
By Lynda Hollinger-Janzen