Mennonite Mission Network and its predecessor agencies have engaged in youth ministry in Botswana since the 1985, when Bopaganang 85 (Youth Fest 1985) was held. This festival, co-sponsored with the Spiritual Healing Church, attracted about 200 young ...
Mennonite Central Committee began work in Botswana in the 1970s, providing schoolteachers and training in job skills. As a result of friendships with local African-Initiated Churches,Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission – with which Mennonite Mission Network is a partner–was invited to send Bible teachers.
Beginning in 1975, six Mennonite denominations have sent workers to Botswana. In addition to Bible teaching among African-Initiated Churches, these workers are involved in AIDS education and counseling, community development, youth ministry, friendship evangelism, teaching and issues related to families.