“Lets never do that again…”

​Michelle is from Colorado Springs and that is where she served as a unit leader from 2013 to 2015.  She continues to support Service Adventure by serving as the local support committee chairperson.

okay now it’s time for another alumni interview with Susan. So first I
will have my guests tell you their name and where they served.

Michelle: Michelle Musselman and I was a Service Adventure unit leader in Colorado Springs, Colorado from 2013 through 2015

If you could give advice to someone who’s thinking about doing a term of service, what advice would you give them?

advice I would probably give them would be to go into whatever service
you’re doing with an open mind and no expectations and try to keep that
open mind open the entire time of your service.

Can you tell me how did Service Adventure impact your life Journey?

definitely came in and  I knew I had a when I was that age I knew I had
a lot of life skills because growing up we did our own laundry,  we
helped cook and things like that and just realizing that that’s not the
case anymore.  that a lot of kids now days don’t have those practical
life skills or they might know some things but not having them developed
or the like how the knowledge of "how do I do something?"  pretty
simple, but it can get you through life and so I think now I work with
the youth group at our church and just giving them those practical
skills that maybe they might not learn at home, but teaching them like,
hey this is how you would cut an onion or this is how you would cook

I just recently heard from a coworker that
they’ve never actually figured out how to cut an onion properly so I am
going to send them to your youth group.

And just those
practical skills and that it’s fun to cook or it’s fun to do these
things it’s not just a chore to do them or something you have to do to

As you look back at your couple years of Service
Adventure are there any stories or things that you think of that bring a
smile to your face?

One thing really makes me laugh is
we once had sweet pasta and meat sauce because someone put in condensed
sweetened milk instead of evaporated milk so it was sweet pasta sauce. 

So do you feel like, what was the takeaway there, that was a new recipe we can try or was it a let’s never do that again?

never do that again because it was more like I know we don’t want to
waste food but I don’t think we to keep these leftovers to eat for
lunches or Okay so I know everyone has tried it so let’s get some bread
to make some make some sandwiches or get some leftovers yeah.

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