Here with purpose: Sara Gurulé

Sara Gurulé
Sara Gurulé
Jane Morrow

Jane Morrow is Content Marketing Team Lead for Mission Network.

Every organization has a purpose; an answer to the deceptively simple question, "Why?" At Mennonite Mission Network, that "why?" is to lead, mobilize and equip the church to participate in holistic witness to Jesus Christ — across the street, all through the marketplaces and around the world.

In this Q&A series, Mission Network asks staff members to consider their role in the agency, and how they see their daily work joining into what God is doing around the world.

Sara Gurulé reflects on her role as Constituent Engagement Representative.

What brought you to your role with Mission Network?

I found out about the Constituent Engagement Representative position from a job listing board that the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary sent out to current students. I had just graduated from seminary and was actively looking for work, especially as my final courses were coming to an end. When I read the job description, I was excited to see several interests of mine intersecting in a position that would also be doable remotely (I was planning to move within that year). I remember that the interview was what “sold” me on the position, and I was working at Mission Network within a week of getting the job offer.

What is your favorite part of your role with Mission Network?

My favorite part of working at Mission Network is having the opportunity to meet new people and listen to a broad diversity of stories throughout the denomination. These stories span generations of church history as well as new perspectives, each of which has helped ground the learning done throughout my seminary experience.

How has your perspective on your role with Mission Network changed over your time with the agency?

As I rounded out my first year with Mission Network, my perspective on my role in the agency as well as the agency itself has grown. I have come to deeply appreciate each level of the agency in new ways, ask clearer questions and rely on my team, and continue to grow in confidence as I go out to connect with our constituents.

How do you view your role with Mission Network fitting into God’s mission for the church?

I understand my role within the broader context of God’s shalom to be one of bridge-building and relationship-fostering. I am deeply convinced that the work of God’s shalom invites each and all of us within our contexts, and getting to be a small part of that in this work has been a joy.

What is something that has surprised you about your role with Mission Network?

Working in a position in which I travel often and meet with people regularly does have its surprising moments. I think that a personal surprise that has come out of this job has been my growing confidence in public speaking. It is still a challenge for me to preach/speak in front of large groups, but it is a skill that I am practicing throughout my work.

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