Top 5 memories from Albuquerque

​In Service Adventure, participants form their faith and grow in servant leadership while living in community. Below, the Albuquerque unit describes their top memories from the past year.  Our location: We love the mountains, sunrises, and sunsets.  As well as being part of a city that boasts unique Native American art, beautiful architecture, jewelry, music […]

Ready to serve throughout 2018?

​Opportunities are open NOW to begin serving in August! Mennonite Voluntary Service seeks passionate young adults who want to make a difference in the lives of others. Applicants will have the opportunity to explore their vocation, grow in their faith, and live in community with peers. Don’t delay and miss out; check out the positions […]

French Mennonites learn courage and resilience from refugees

​I tried to convince our mayor to welcome a Syrian family. We live in a little village. I read somewhere that if every village would welcome 0.01 percent of its population, we could help our country do what it should do: welcome a few thousand immigrants. This meant three or four people for our village. […]

Top 5 memories from Anchorage

​In Service Adventure, participants form their faith and grow in servant leadership while living in community. Below, the Anchorage unit describes their top memories from the past year.  Our favorite worship night was having 10 different stations to go around with something different to do at each one: praying for others, praying for personal growth, […]

Washing real feet

​At first glance, foot washing appears to be a relic of the past and irrelevant for the 21stcentury American Mennonite Church. After all, few of us walk long distances on dusty roads wearing sandals. We tend to drive on paved roads and if we want our feet washed we are privileged to have the option […]

Mennonite agencies agree that interfaith engagement matters

​AKRON, Pennsylvania (Mennonite Mission Network/Eastern Mennonite Missions/Mennonite Central Committee/Eastern Mennonite University/Mennonite Church USA/Christian Peacemaker Teams) — "I think religious minorities in this country, no matter who they are, are feeling under threat," said Trina Trotter Nussbaum, interim director for Eastern Mennonite University’s (EMU’s) Center for Interfaith Engagement. Other Anabaptists involved in interfaith issues agree. Citing "the urgency […]

Extending hospitality to refugees

The Bible is an account of God’s project in history. Embedded in the text are human sagas filled with despair, courage, desperation, fear, failure and frailty. In and through it all, the divine intent is to uncover the true nature of God and to give us a glimpse of the purposes of God. The overarching […]

Walking alongside Calais refugees in France

Today, Ermias, a 16-year-old Eritrean boy, cooked me a wonderful meal in the Calais refugee camp in Northern France. The wood took a long time to light as it was damp, but with a generous dousing of oil it flamed into life and cooked a dish of tomatoes, onions, chili and kidney beans. When it […]

Congo mission worker desired all ages to experience Christ

​ELKHART, Indiana (Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission/Mennonite Mission Network) –  Gladys E. Klassen Buller, 91, an educator who continues to inspire faithfulness in today’s church leaders, died Tuesday, May 24, at Courtyard Healthcare in Goshen, Indiana. In 1953, Gladys Buller and her husband, Peter, arrived in the country that became Democratic Republic of Congo with a commitment […]

Offering—Partners with God’s work in Peru

David Moreno, a partner of Mennonite Mission Network, works in the remote and lush jungle city of Iquitos, Peru, to mentor youth to be followers of Christ. In Iquitos—as in many places around the world—poverty is widespread, and is linked with many other challenges like crime, lack of education, and inadequate health care. These are […]

The light of community, the light of Christ


This spring I had the opportunity to go with my family to Koinonia Farm near Plains, Georgia, for a SOOP assignment. My daughter is 8 years old and it turned out to be an ideal “first-time volunteer experience” for our family. We were warmly welcomed and felt we were all able to contribute to life […]

Europe- Tapas, Eiffel, and Anabaptism

​On Easter Sunday, Châtenay-Malabry Mennonite Church in Paris was filled to standing-room only. Singing familiar hymns, but in French, I felt so blessed to be worshiping with such a diverse and vibrant church with members that represented 14 different nationalities! ​It was only a few days prior that this congregation welcomed my learning tour group […]