Mennonite conferences in Ecuador bridge coast and mountains to celebrate fellowship together

Three Mennonite conferences in Ecuador gathered for a retreat outside the capital city of Quito, May 20-22. Through educational games, worship, meals, and prayer together, the approximately 90 participants from Quito, Riobamba, and cities along the coast reflected on the theme of Ephesians 4:3-6, "one body, and one spirit." Representatives of the three conferences —Iglesia […]

Nuevas formas de ser iglesia

Audio in English.​ Mire la Conferencia Sent 2022  La Conferencia Sent 2022 trató sobre cómo líderes y plantadores de iglesias han respondido de forma creativa y movilizadora a los desafíos que se nos han presentado estos tiempos.  Los oradores distinguidos incluyeron a Leonard Dow, quien habló sobre sus días anteriores como pastor y cómo aprendió […]

The power of love

​Mission workers Akiko Aratani and Raymond Epp shares their thoughts on the phrase "To serve with love."  Akiko and Ray serve as directors of Menno Village, an organic farm near Sapporo, Japan, where they also hold seminars and training in sustainable agriculture and creation care. They participate in the Japan Mennonite Christian Church Conference (Hokkaido).

Reflections from the 2008-09 Albany, Oregon, Service Adventure unit

​Alli Eanes Chaveste, Corinne Jager and Josh Kanagy reflect on how their Service Adventure experiences nurtured them to grow spiritually, emotionally and explore potential careers. Eanes Chaveste, Jager, and Kanagy served with the Albany, Oregon, Service Adventure unit from 2008-09.  For more information on Service Adventure, click here.

John Driver: A humble influencer

John Driver’s transformational impact in Latin America was remembered and celebrated by more than 70 people from many countries in a Spanish Zoom event Sunday, April 3. The recording is available in Spanish, with simultaneous interpretation to English (see video above). Mauricio Chenlo, Mennonite Mission Network’s Church Planting Specialist, moderated the event, beginning with his personal […]

Juan Driver: Un hombre humilde de influencia

El impacto transformador de Juan Driver en América Latina fue recordado y celebrado por más de 70 personas de muchos países en un evento de Zoom el domingo 3 de abril. La grabación está disponible en español, y también con interpretación simultánea al inglés. Mauricio Chenlo, especialista en plantación de iglesias de la Red Menonita […]

Ukrainian students in Lithuania join relief efforts

Students at LCC International University in Klaipéda, Lithuania, are working on a Ukrainian relief initiative in cooperation with other organizations. For many, this engagement is part of their response to the human suffering and trauma they have experienced in their countries of origin. LCC has 800 students from 60 countries. The university has a robust […]

Hope and peace shine through in difficult times

​It’s been two years. Two years since the first case of the virus that causes COVID-19 was confirmed in the United States. Two years since the country — and much of the world — ground to a screeching halt in the face of a public health crisis that exposed glaring weaknesses in our society.  It […]

Prayer amid a new reality of war

​On February 24, the Russian troops who had been massing for weeks on the Ukrainian border finally made their move. "We are living in a new reality," a friend in Ukraine texted. His family had awakened to the sound of distant explosions. Although I left Ukraine a few months ago after serving with Mennonite Mission […]

Vacation Bible school in Brazil a blessing to both students and teachers

Through the ebb and flow of a worldwide pandemic, churches continue to explore what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ in their communities. Serlir Silva is a church planter in Caruaru, Brazil, and is supported by a grant through Mennonite Mission Network. Throughout the pandemic, she and other church leaders have […]

Virtual education series examines the origins and shapes the future of Anabaptism

NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) — At the end of the first evening of the virtual educational series, "From Chaos To Shalom: Exploring Peace Theology Together," Andios Santoso and Joe Sawatzky, co-emcees of the event, struggled to wrap up the Zoom session. The concluding prayer had been spoken. The scheduled end time of 9 p.m. […]

Education partners safe amid war in Ukraine

Odesa Theological Seminary (OTS), a Baptist affiliated seminary in Odesa, Ukraine, is an education partner of Mennonite Mission Network. On Thursday, Feb. 24, Oleksandr Geychenko, president of OTS, sent an email to partners and supporters confirming that "at the moment, Odesa is safe," though blasts could be heard from afar. "Thank God, all the employees and […]