What we need to do
Advent devotional, week 4 Ver versión en español This Advent devotional comes from Devocionales 2022, a book of devotionals produced by the Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (MTAL — Movement of Anabaptist Women doing Theology from Latin America) The daily devotionals can also be found on the Libro Devocional MTAL Facebook page. […]
Mission Network family joins in sacred space of hospitality for refugees in France
November is mission month! How is your church celebrating? Join in what God is doing around the world by highlighting a ministry during a Sunday service in November. Mennonite Mission Network is excited to provide stories, moment-in-mission videos and worship materials to help your congregation celebrate and learn more about meeting Jesus in sacred spaces. […]
Mennonites and Muslims create sacred space by responding to suffering
November is mission month! How is your church celebrating? Join in what God is doing around the world by highlighting a ministry during a Sunday service in November. Mennonite Mission Network is excited to provide stories, moment-in-mission videos and worship materials to help your congregation celebrate and learn more about meeting Jesus in sacred spaces. […]
Walking in Newness of Life: Why Baptism Matters
What: Anabaptist Webinar for India organized by Mennonite Mission Network, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary and Mennonite Christian Service and Fellowship of India When: November 28 – 29 Where: Zoom Webinar When: 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. India Standard Time / 9 - 11 a.m. EST How: Visit the registration page to sign up! Register These two, two-hour webinars will explore the practice of baptism as an essential part of […]
Mennonite Mission Network reimagines shared ministries during Mennonite World Conference Assembly
NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) – From July 5-10, in-person and virtual attendees of the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) assembly in Indonesia found many ways to live into the gathering’s theme of "following Jesus together across barriers.’ Physical barriers were crossed as Anabaptists traveled from across Indonesia and around the world to worship together. Cultural […]
A recipe for mission, from the kitchen of Mennonite Mission Network
In recognition of World Food Day (Oct. 16), Mennonite Mission Network is excited to share its recipe for mission! This recipe has been tweaked and refined over the agency’s 20-year history, and builds on a formula for holistic ministry that stretches back more than 100 years across multiple predecessor agencies. Bon appétit!
MVS Minute #06: What does MVS smell like?
What does Mennonite Voluntary Service👃smell👃like? Let Elizabeth Breckbill with the MVS Alamosa unit tell you! To learn more about MVS (smells and all!), go to the Mennonite Voluntary Service web page.
MVS Minute #02: San Francisco unit sneak peek!
Each Mennonite Voluntary Service placement connects you with local non-profits that help with real needs in communities across the U.S. To learn more about MVS, go to the Mennonite Voluntary Service web page.
New book chronicles history of peacebuilding in Northeast Asia
The International Day of Peace, or World Peace Day, is celebrated across the world on Sept. 21. Mennonite Mission Network strives to follow Jesus’ call to be peacemakers throughout ministries and partnerships across the world. The Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding Institute (NARPI), a partner organization of Mission Network, has been a part of that global […]
Remembering Delbert Erb
Delbert Erb, who served God in Argentina with Mennonite Board of Missions, a predecessor agency of Mennonite Mission Network, from 1951-1996 died June 14, in Buenos Aires. A Spanish memorial service was held in Bragado, Argentina, on June 25, and his funeral took place in Choele Choel, Argentina, on July 2. An online memorial service in […]
Monthly food packages provide a chance to meet Jesus at the well
"Here [in the church], I feel at peace, I feel safe, I feel like I have a family." Venezuelan migrant March 2020 upended the day-to-day operations of churches worldwide. Teusaquillo Mennonite Church, in Bogotá, Colombia, was no exception. While church meetings and Momento por la Paz (Moment for Peace), the church’s ministry with migrants and […]
Merienda Menonita: el arte de conversar y la práctica de escuchar
Este video fue creado para usar en un taller en la asamblea del Congreso Mundial Menonita (CMM) en Indonesia. Un aporte de la Fundación Schowalter ayudó con algunos de los gastos. Algunos y algunas anfitriones y participantes estuvieron presentes, mientras que otros participaron virtualmente. Pensando en seguir a Jesús cruzando fronteras, creemos que un punto […]