La Red Sent

La Red Sent es un recurso educativo elaborado para reclutar, capacitar y preparar a los plantadores de iglesias para desarrollar su tarea. La Red Sent está organizada en tres etapas independientes: explorar, capacitar y enviar. ​1. Explorar ​ ​1.1 El llamado Objetivo: examinar su llamado personal a plantar una iglesia o ser partícipe de una […]

Fighting for Peace


Hey, check out this news article. ​Just kidding – it’s in Russian. But let me do my best to summarize what happened: Some locals noticed a few of our Russian students hung their nation’s flag outside their resident hall window at LCC International University. They interpreted it as "spying for Putin" and contacted a Lithuanian […]

To listen, to learn, to love

Alaska. Who would have thought that I’d be residing in this seemingly far away and exotic place? The cold temperatures, the early snowfall, premature darkness; it’s all so new and exciting. I love winter. I love snow. The intricacy of each snowflake, the way it blankets the earth, making things appear fresh and new. I […]

Freedom in a Botswana prison

He walked toward us with a steady gait. Confident. Calm. Content. But certainly not carefree. How could he be? His sun-faded orange jumpsuit stood out sharply against the stark backdrop of white prison walls. Prison yard commotion broiled in the cordoned-off background where a soccer match flowed across a dusty, compressed pitch. The thump of […]

Mission in the future church

​Invited by God. Sent by Jesus. Empowered by the Holy Spirit. At Mennonite Mission Network we believe that Jesus calls, us, the church, to join in God’s mission to reconcile all things to God. And for nearly 150 years we have fulfilled that calling by partnering with you and others around the world. Come! Join […]

Crawling from my snug bed of White privilege

My friends and co-workers of color have patiently walked alongside me and graciously invested themselves in helping me recognize my own racism. They also tell me, “You White people need to start doing your own work.” I agree. However, when White people talk with each other, it so often feels like we help each other […]