Teaching cultural humility
KANSAS CITY (Mennonite Mission Network) – Andrea Sawyer-Kirksey, executive director of DOOR, led the seminar ‘Cultural Humility’ on Wednesday, July 3, 2019, as part of the Mennonite Church USA convention in Kansas City. DOOR is a faith-based network in cities across the US that provides opportunities for learning, service and leadership for youth and young […]
Dream about dolphins symbolizes western impact on indigenous people
KANSAS CITY (Mennonite Mission Network) – Before she became friends with Cofán people in their Ecuadorian rainforest village of Zábalo, Jane Ross Richer had not thought dreams people had while sleeping were important, she said. Until a year ago. That’s when she and her husband, Jerrell, who serve with Mennonite Mission Network in Ecuador […]
Giving playground a face lift helps to lift the spirits of volunteers
KANSAS CITY (Mennonite Mission Network) – Recent high school graduate Kent Enomoto of Fresno, California addmitted that even after sweating for hours on a very hot Kansas afternoon to help beautify a playground, watching the children play helped cultivate positivity. Enomoto came to MennoCon19 with his sponsor, Lisa Penner, and high schooler Micheala Wenger of Mennonite Community Church in Fresno. […]
Berlin, Ohio, youth group helps dish up dignity at NourishKC
KANSAS CITY (Mennonite Mission Network) – Brady Woods said the reason he did a Servant Project on Tuesday morning before MennoCon19 began was so that he wouldn’t remain stuck in his ways. Waiting tables for the lunchtime crowd NourishKC promised to challenge his own perspective. Woods, a member of the Berlin (Ohio) Mennonite Church youth group, […]
21st-century peacemaking happening in the grassroots’ trenches
KANSAS CITY (Mennonite Mission Network) – Jason Boone, minister for Peace and Justice for Mennonite Mission Network, believes 21st- century peacemaking is not about leaders setting the agenda. Rather, it’s about people in the “trenches” of daily life creating new ways to wage peace together in an increasingly violent world, said Boone, one of the […]
Several thousand Mennonites seek to gather as peacemakers in Kansas City
KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Mission Network) – Roughly 3,000 Mennonites are gathering July 2-6 in Kansas City, Missouri as people seeking to be Anabaptist peacemakers in the 21st century. Glen Guyton, the first African American to become executive director of Mennonite Church USA (MC USA), will lead its 500 delegates at […]
Connect with Mennonite Mission Network international workers at MennoCon 2019
NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) – Mennonite Mission Network will offer face-to-face connection with eight Mission Network service workers traveling from afar to interact with their U.S. brothers and sisters in Christ. Throughout the July 2-6 convention in Kansas City, workers from Ecuador, Colombia, Barcelona and Australia hope to connect with supporters and friends at […]
SOOP helps deferred dream come true at Koinonia Farms
NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) – Ever since Elizabeth Raid was a student at Bluffton (Ohio) College [now Bluffton University] in the mid-1960s, she had wanted to visit Koinonia Farm in Americus, Georgia. It took her nearly 50 years to do it. Her desire was born after her father, Howard Raid, an economics and business […]
Family gives up small-town security to gain wider-world exposure
HESSTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) – When it came time to discern what mattered more to their family life — having worldly security or forging global relationships — Mark and DeeDee Landes agreed on one thing: They had a window of opportunity to make a move while their kids were young. With each new risk-taking […]
“Praise for all his faithful”: Psalm 148 and Pentecost
Ascension precedes Pentecost. Jesus has gone up, and the Holy Spirit comes down. On June 1, two days after the celebration of Ascension in the church year, and 10 days before Pentecost Sunday, a hailstorm hit my hometown of Goshen, Indiana. The hail fell that Saturday in two rounds—an "early rain" followed by an abundant […]
Ending a year, starting a journey
As we have gone through these last 10 months, we have all had highs and lows. This year has been life-giving, but also challenging. We have learned about ourselves and each other. We have become rooted in both our Service Adventure community and the larger community in which we live. This year has allowed us […]
Mennonite Voluntary Service webinar
Watch Mennonite Mission Network’s webinar celebrating the 75th anniversary of Mennonite Voluntary Service. Learn how God inspired many to live out their faith through service and how the program continues to move young people to put their faith into action. Speakers Stefan Baumgartner, is a 2015–17 MVS Alumn, now living in San Francisco, California. He currently is […]