A conversation with Elena and Freddy Satalaya

Elena and Freddy Satalaya

​Linda Shelly, director for Latin America ministries with Mennonite Mission Network, interviews Elena and Freddy Satalaya in Iquitos, Peru, where they serve with Iglesia Cristiana Menonita del Perú in children’s and youth ministries, including education. In the interview Freddy and Elena share the impact of Covid-19 on the city and especially the families involved in […]

Physics professor, church leader expresses lifelong passion for peace

​Note: This obituary is a revised and shortened version of one written by Mackenzie Miller for Goshen (Indiana) College, which has granted Mennonite Mission Network permission to add to the original and to repost. NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network and Goshen College) – From the time he served as a  "seagoing cowboy" at 16 to deliver […]

Walking through a new DOOR

​HILLSBORO, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) — In the span of a few short months, COVID-19 ushered us all into an unfamiliar world. As windows of normalcy shuttered, organizations and churches searched for new ways to continue offering God’s healing and hope to increasingly isolated communities. For one organization, this closed window meant the opening of […]

A new era springs forth at Mennonite Mission Network

​NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) — On his first day "in the office" as executive director for Mennonite Mission Network, Mike Sherrill didn’t waste any time reminding staff of God’s promises to protect and restore people of faith in challenging times. During an all-staff weekly greeting via Zoom on Monday, Aug. 3, Sherrill led staff […]

Walking and growing with Jesus in Guatemala

​NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) — When Sophie Miller took a gap year between her sophomore and junior year in college to embark on a study-service term in Guatemala, she received food for mind and heart.  As a result of the many "nutrients" she absorbed, the 21-year-old Miller says she grew in her global perspective […]

A conversation with Brian and Noelia Fox

Brian and Noelia Fox

​Sharon Norton, co-director for Africa and Europe ministries for Mennonite Mission Network, interviews Brian and Noelia Fox about their experience during this time of COVID-19 and social distancing. Brian and Noelia serve alongside the Comunidades Unidas Anabautistas (the Mennonite church) in Burgos, Spain. They work with young couples in the church and in the community […]

Learning that another world is possible

​Diana Cruz created a Language Laboratory at Les Leaders, a school located on the La Casa Grande compound in Benin. The Language Laboratory encourages experiential learning and enables students of all ages to follow their curiosity.   Benin’s government acted early to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by enforcing an isolation policy. However, staying home […]

John Lewis made me feel like an honored guest

In 2015, Wil LaVeist interviewed John Lewis for his radio show. Listen to the full interview here. Congressman Lewis wrote  this essay  a few days before his death and planned for it to be published on the day of his funeral. ​ "Get in good trouble." Count me among those who will personally remember this encouraging phrase […]

Sharing food for body and soul in Venezuela

​As this article was being published, Mennonite Mission Network got news that Erwin Mirabal was hospitalized with COVID-19. Mirabal, president of the Mennonite Church in Venezuela and pastor of the Caracas congregation, was diagnosed with COVID-19 on July 20 and was admitted to a private clinic that night after being turned away from eight other […]

Tuesday webinar to introduce virtual service program

​NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) — Every summer as temperatures climb up and schools wind down, many church and family groups visit DOOR Discover sites in Atlanta, Chicago and Denver to engage in service and learning experiences. Far from the typical week-long "mission trip," participants spend less time ladling soup, and more time living the […]

Losing control to a camping critter

​Rustling and scrunching woke me up at 2 a.m. during a Colorado camping trip. I groggily reached for my flashlight and shone it towards the ruckus. The feeble ray revealed nothing, though I was "fairly certain" it wasn’t a bear. Camping near residential Boulder at the foot of the mountains could not possibly yield that […]

Cultural humility: From being right to being human

Below are distilled excerpts from a recent Mennonite Mission Network-sponsored webinar presented by Andrea Sawyer-Kirksey. She is executive director for DOOR (Discovering Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection). This Mission Network agency partner is based in Atlanta, Chicago and Denver and provides middle- and high-schoolers with experiential service-learning focused on justice for marginalized people and the […]