On elections: Three insights from mission

​Voting is a matter of urgency. Apartheid was scarcely a decade past when my family began our eight-year sojourn in South Africa. I remember the sacred satisfaction, with thanksgiving to God, of people I knew who voted in that nation’s first democratic elections in 1994. For the first time, millions of South Africa’s citizens of […]

Jesus prayed for us

​As part of The Hope Series Prayer, Sandy Miller, Senior Executive for Resourcing and Mobilization, takes a look at Jesus’ prayer in John 17:23. In this passage, Jesus prays for unity for the future church. This was initially streamed on  October 26, 2020.

The center holds hope for the future

Yet I will rejoice

​I have been working as a graphic designer for 30 years — on everything from printed pieces, T-shirts, displays, graphics, logos and now even some video editing. When I enter the creative process, I begin with words. Then, I look for inspiration in photos, or in the world around me. It’s a back and forth […]

The face and the name—Missional Meditations

​Looking at the scriptures with an eye toward mission. Joe Sawatzky shares a Missional Meditation entitled, "The face and the name" based on the Revised Common Lectionary  for October 18. God’s presence and name make us a people of mission, distinct by grace and mercy.  Exodus 33:12-23  Matthew 22:15-22  1 Thessalonians  1:1-10 Psalm 99 Thank you for watching! […]

Sawatzky named as international education liaison for Mission Network–AMBS partnership

​NEWTON, Kansas, and ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Mission Network and Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary) — Theologian Joe Sawatzky says that while serving in South Africa with Mennonite Mission Network, he often learned as much about God from his cross-cultural engagements as he did from textbooks. It’s the potential for gift sharing across cultures that Sawatzky — […]

Seeking wellbeing

​As part of The Hope Series Prayer, Recruiter and Church Relations representative Eric Frey Martin talks about seeking wellbeing, from Jeremiah 29:7. This was initially streamed on  October 12, 2020.

Colombian seminary’s restructuring useful during pandemic

​NEWTON, Kansas (Mennonite Mission Network) — As COVID-19 is exacerbating and laying bare inequality and injustice throughout Latin America, Seminario Bíblico Menonita de Colombia (SBMC, Mennonite Biblical Seminary of Colombia) is uncovering and promoting the riches of online theological education. The pandemic’s social distancing realities have, in many ways, forced people in all areas of […]

God’s mission calls for peacemaking in violence and suffering

DAYTON, Virginia (Mennonite Mission Network) — Behind hundreds of people lined up behind a van waiting for food, makeshift tents stretched for miles. This sight on her first visit to Camp de la Lande in the summer of 2015 left Juliet Kilpin in a state of shock. The migrant and refugee camp, located on a […]

By prayer—Missional Meditations

​Looking at the scriptures with an eye toward mission. Joe Sawatzky shares a Missional Meditation entitled, "By prayer" based on the Revised Common Lectionary  for October 11. Communication with God is our stronghold against sin, and mission proceeds by prayer. Exodus 32:1-14 Matthew 22:1-14 Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23 Philippians 4:1-9 Thank you for watching! This was initially streamed on […]

A September conversation with the Garbers

Josh and Alisha Garber

​We’re on edge. We’re anxious about outcomes. Our emotions are all over the place. What am I talking about? Politics! It’s election season and mission workers in Barcelona, Alisha and Josh Garber, join Sharon Norton, co-director for Africa and Europe ministries for Mennonite Mission Network, to discuss how they are dealing with their identity as […]

Celebrating the diverse riches of Hispanic Heritage Month

​Mauricio Chenlo, minister of Church Planting for Mennonite Mission Network, wrote this blog to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month in the United States, spanning Sept. 15-Oct. 15, 2020.  He also shared how the celebration connects with the work of the mission agency’s Sent Network, a leadership development resource for church planters and missional pastors.   […]

South African peacebuilder looks to youth to accomplish vision

To celebrate International Non-Violence Day on Oct. 2, Mennonite Mission Network commissioned Ben Tapper to interview Oscar Siwali, a man dedicating his life to peacebuilding in southern Africa. INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (Mennonite Mission Network) — Peacebuilding, which is challenging, has become more complicated by the events of 2020. As in many parts of the world, COVID-19 […]